#for wackydrabbles


This story is my final submission for the #WackyDrabbles. My first story for this weekly exercise was Driam, and it only seemed fitting that my last fic is Driam as well. (Thanks to @burnsoslow​ for the suggestion!)

I have had so much fun over the past practically three years coming up with stories, bouncing ideas, and interacting with the authors and participants, and while I know it’s time to take a bow … I kind of don’t wanna. I’m gonna miss this.

Thanks to all who read this over and bounced ideas with me. Any and all mistakes are mine. Forgive them.

The prompt is: That was really, really good and will appear in bold.

All characters belong to Pixelberry except for Wesley and George.

Word Count: 2,770

Song Inspiration: Younger, Palace

The two friends settled back in their chairs, snifters of brandy cradled in their hands. Remnants of dinner littered the white china plates before them: Porterhouse steak in garlic butter; baked potatoes topped with butter, cheese, and sour cream; summer squash and onions sauteed in butter. Dessert had been vanilla bean cheesecake drizzled in caramel sauce.

Drake Walker leaned back in his chair, patting a palm against his still-taut stomach. “Damn, Li. That was really, really good.I don’t think I could eat another bite,” he complimented.

Liam glanced up, a forkful of cheesecake poised at his slightly parted lips. “I’ll be sure to pass your praises along to the kitchens.”

Drake’s eyes took in the King’s appearance: his raven locks were still full, although streaked with some gray as was the stubble dotting his jawline; his body was still toned and firm. Dark bags sat beneath his eyes, speaking to nights that were either long or sleepless.

It was still beautiful.  

Similarly, King Liam was appraising his childhood friend: Drake’s physique was still broad and muscular, his dark brown hair still worn just a little too long; his nose crooked from being broken when he fell out of a tree at Applewood many moons ago.

A life spent outdoors amongst nature had burnished his skin; that coupled with the gray hairs at his temples had made him even more handsome, if that were possible.

The men had been friends for nearly all their lives, with over half of those years spent with an uneasiness that had become almost comfortable.

But not quite.

“How are you doing after the divorce?” Drake asked quietly as he tipped the glass to his lips.

Liam looked away from Drake, contemplating his dinner plate as he swirled the dark liquid in his snifter. “It was a long time coming, and for the best,” he answered slowly. “The girls seem happier, and certainly the former Queen is.”

Drake nodded. “I’ll bet. People always talk about staying together for the sake of the kids, but I think kids just want to see their parents happy.”

“Wise words from the man who never married nor fathered children,” Liam gently teased.

Drake shrugged. “Hey, life advice is why you keep me around.”

Liam shook his head slightly as he lowered his head to hide the blush blooming on his cheeks.

There are other reasons.

The uneasiness that had lain between them for over 20 years reared its head quickly as if startled from slumber, but both men learned long ago how to navigate around the elephant in the room.

Age 16: The teenagers were in the Palace gym’s shower; bodies that were formerly covered in sweat were now slick with soap and iridescent bubbles. Liam’s eyes had wandered over to look at Drake’s naked physique while the young Commoner was rinsing shampoo from his hair. He was mesmerized by the rivulets of water running freely down Drake’s back to disappear into the cleave of his buttocks.

When Drake caught Liam staring, the Prince quickly averted his eyes, cursing his raging erection., which he couldn’t hide.

Age 17

The two boys were on the balcony off the West Wing ballroom; in their hands they clutched gold and crystal patterned highball glasses filled with vodka, ice, and lemon-lime soda. Liam takes a sip, his expression one of frustration.

“I can’t even taste the vodka!” he complained.

Drake smirked at him. “Because it’s the good shit. Pure vodka tastes and goes down like water, until you’re flat on your ass drunk. That’s why I try to stick to dark liquor.”

Liam stared at Drake, his eyes wide with surprise. “This isn’t your first time?”

Drake sat his glass on the stone parapet, the tinkle of glass against rock swallowed by the music and laughter of partygoers drifting from the open doors. He shook his head as he stared into the gardens below.

“No,” he replied in a voice pregnant with emotion.

His answer hung heavy in the air between them, both knowing he was referring to more than just the vodka.

Liam angrily punched Drake’s arm. “We’re BEST FRIENDS, Drake! We’re supposed to share these things with each other!”

Drake turned, his face a myriad of emotions. When he spoke, his voice was deceptively calm.

“Share what, Li? That my mom no longer accepts my phone calls? That you and Beaumont were the only ones to remember my birthday? That all I want to do some days is pack a bag and just … go! But I can’t because I’m the only guardian my little sister has now.”

Drake brushed angry tears from his eyes as he turned back to face the balustrade, his eyes blinking rapidly. Liam took a cautious sip of his forbidden drink before stepping closer to his friend. He wanted to take Drake in his arms, kiss his tears away, and promise him everything would get better.

Be better.

But he didn’t. He couldn’t. Instead, he stood next to Drake, looking up at a night sky filled with stars that twinkled mockingly at him.

“What do you need from me, Drake?” he asked softly, knowing he would do whatever Drake asked.

Drake stiffened. “Anything?”

Liam nodded. “Anything,” he affirmed.

“Go camping with me! This weekend, just me and you. I have the equipment, and we can borrow the Jeep from the garage,” Drake’s voice and eyes pleaded with Liam to join him, assure him … be with him.

Before Liam could answer, they were interrupted by Leo, the Crown Prince, clearing his throat. The two teenagers glowered at him, irate at being interrupted.

“Dinner’s being served and heads up … we’re accompanying father to a summit in Switzerland this weekend, so don’t make any plans.”

Liam turned to Drake, his eyes threatening to spill over with tears. His arm reached out, but Drake shrugged him off as he backed away. The Commoner scooped his drink from the ledge, taking a long swallow.

“Go, Liam. Just … go.”

Age 21:

“C’mon, just eat a little of the soup,” Drake coaxed as he lifted a literal silver spoon to Liam’s mouth.

Liam shook his head. “I’m not hungry,” he muttered through the wire holding his broken jaw in place.

Drake sighed as he placed the utensil and bowl of nourishing broth on the bedside table. “You need food for strength and energy, Li.”

Liam’s ebony eyes slid from the open window to meet Drake’s gaze. “So someone can try to kill me again?” His voice was monotone, devoid of any emotion.

That scared Drake more than the physical wounds.

Everything about Cordonia scared Drake now.

When he left a year ago to pursue university studies in the States, the country was peaceful and at peace. Liam was Liam: happy with life and his lifestyle. He was spending time with the Duchess of Lythikos, but everyone knew Olivia was the driving force behind whatever was transpiring.

In America, Drake found fast food, cheap beer, and the star of the wrestling team, Wesley Chiang. Despite Wesley being a different ethnicity, the wrestler reminded Drake of Liam, a lot. Tall, broad shouldered, quiet but with an incredible sense of humor, studious, kind.

They dated.

Then three nights ago Crown Prince Leo and a group of King’s Guards burst into Drake’s dorm room while he and Wesley were cooking pasta for dinner, which was to be followed by a Chuck Norris movie; without a word, the sentries unceremoniously hauled Drake out of his domicile and into a waiting black limousine. A bewildered Wesley gave chase, but the muscle and bulk that served him well on the wrestling mat slowed his movements.

The wrestler had his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath as he watched the car’s taillights disappear into the darkness.

Wesley never saw Drake again.

Now Drake was back in Cordonia, tending to his best friend who had been the target of an assassination attack. He hadn’t left the Prince’s side since he arrived. Drake positioned himself on the bed so he was closer to Liam. His chocolate-brown eyes darted about the beautiful face before him, taking in scars, bruises, lacerations, whelps.

Liam’s eyes followed his suspiciously.

Drake leaned in closely, his lips kissing every aberration. Liam exhaled a shaky sigh, his breath hot and sour against Drake’s face. Lastly, Drake closed his eyes and placed a lingering kiss against Liam’s dry, cracked, and swollen lips.

He pulled away, his eyes gazing directly into the Prince’s blackened ones. “I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. I swear it.”

Age 23

“It’s BULLSHIT, Li, and you know it!” Drake raged as he paced the floor of Liam’s private study.

“I admit it isn’t fair, but what’s done is done,” Liam replied calmly as he poured himself a tumbler of scotch.

“WE are supposed to be going to America in two months! Why the FUCK did you say YES?”

Liam set the crystal-cut glass down with more force than necessary before whirling on his heel to confront Drake. “You think I had a CHOICE? If not me, then WHO? Tell me WHO, Drake!”


“It’s not that simple and you know it. Yes, the Duchess of Lythikos is next in the line of succession if for some reason the Rys bloodline no longer sits on the throne, but she and her duchy are still under suspicion for the assassination attack! If she assumes the Crown, the country is tossed into civil unrest. I won’t have bloodshed on my hands because you want to take a trip!”

Drake’s eyes widened in anger and disbelief. “A TRIP? THIS was our chance to live our lives! TOGETHER! To finally stop dancing around what we both feel, what we both want!”

Liam’s head fell forward; his heartbeat accelerated, and his throat constricted. “The needs of this country come before whatever I may want, Drake.”

His head lifted, his eyes pooled with tears. “I won’t stop you from pursuing your life, your dreams. Leo’s abdication only affects me.” His hand reached out to grasp Drake’s. “Maybe in another lifetime, another universe I could be free to explore with you. But not this one.”

Age 25

Liam stood in front of the full-length standing mirror, nervously knotting his tie. He was doing a poor job of it. His eyes lifted slightly, catching Drake’s reflection. His best friend, his best man was shaking his head, hand against his mouth trying to muffle his guffaws.

“There is nothing funny about this, Drake! Come help me!”

Drake tipped his whiskey flask to his lips before making his way over to the groom. He thrust the flask into Liam’s hand. “Drink up and then stand still.”

Liam followed the directives, licking excess whisky from his lower lip as Drake straightened the silk tie around his collar.

“Thank you for agreeing to be my best man,” he said, running a hand through his hair.

“Stand still!” Drake ordered as he began expertly looping fabric. “I’m honored you would ask.”

“You’re my best friend!” Liam exclaimed. “And … thank you for staying in Cordonia. I know you didn’t have to.”

Drake shrugged. “It’s not every day I can rub elbows with a real-life, honest-to-God King. I won’t find that in America.”

He grinned at Liam before stepping back. “Voila, a perfectly tied necktie.”

He stepped aside to allow Liam to study his reflection. “You really love her, don’t you?”

Liam smiled happily. “I never thought I would be able to have love, but the fates have proven me wrong.”

The two men locked eyes in the mirror; Liam’s smile faltered as guilt flushed his cheeks.

Drake shook his head slightly, sadness filling his eyes and voice. “Another lifetime.”

Drake drained the last of his brandy before looking up at the clock. “Whoa, it got late quick! I’d best be shoving off.”

Liam’s hand reached out quickly, grabbing hold of the Commoner’s wrist. “You can stay overnight here at the Palace and leave in the morning. You can’t hold your liquor the way you used to, and those back roads are quite dark at night.”

Drake stared at the hand circling his wrist, feeling the heat radiating from Liam’s skin and marveling at the goosebumps raising on his arm in its wake. He slowly lifted his eyes to meet Liam’s; chocolate and ebony held gazes.

After so many years, there was no way Liam’s offer was an invitation for anything more.

Drake saw uncertainty and desire in Liam’s eyes; Liam saw the confusion and hopefulness in Drake’s. Silence, heavy and uncomfortable, hung between them.

But Drake held onto the slightest sliver of hope.

Drake broke the quiet with fake laughter and a weak joke. “What are you, the Cordonian Safety Officer now?”

“Iam concerned for your safety, Drake.”

Drake rolled his eyes in annoyance and anger, feeling his heart crash into his stomach. The hope he had felt was now burnt ash on his tongue, clogging his throat as he swallowed heavily.

How many times over the past 20 years have I been here or Valtoria or anyfuckingwhere in Cordonia, and driven myself home after drinking? And you let me? Don’t be so concerned about me now.”

“I’ve made this offer every time, Drake! Every time. Despite my duties, my responsibilities. Why would this be any different?”

“Because you expect my answer to be different!” Drake snapped harshly as he snatched his hand away. “You think because you’re free from a Queen, I’m supposed to suddenly shift gears and take you up on it? YOU told me 20 years ago that duty to Cordonia came first. I saw you fall in love with the Queen, I watched you raise a family. YOU told me that maybe in another lifetime, we could explore what we felt, what we could have had. And I went along with it! I adjusted, I accepted that.”

He shook his head. “I … I thought that maybe this time … Liam the MAN would ask me to stay, notthe King.”

Liam’s eyes were trained on the tablecloth. He chewed his lower lip as he processed Drake’s words. Over the course of his life, Liam had always put others’ needs before his own. He had let others’ actions dictate the paths he would walk. His wife never returned the love, support and respect he offered her; she was happy to enjoy the rewards of being Queen but shirked all the responsibilities.

And through it all, Drake had been there; accepting Liam’s decisions, and living with Liam’s choices. The lives they found themselves leading were the consequence.

After a few moments, he rose and walked around the table, coming to a stop directly in front of his friend before squatting, his imploring eyes forcing Drake’s gaze to fall upon them.

Drake watched him carefully, unsure of what Liam’s next move would be. He froze as Liam’s palms cupped his cheeks; his heartbeat was a jackhammer, each beat pouring lust and anticipation into his bloodstream. Involuntarily, he leaned in closer to Liam as the King moved in closer to him. Their lips parted, a fraction away from their first kiss when there was a knock on the closed door.

Liam’s motions stilled while Drake uttered an expletive as he let his forehead rest gently against Liam’s.

Another lifetime.

Liam rose quickly, composing his expression before calling for the person to enter. It was his assistant, George. Liam looked at his employee quizzically.

“George, what are you still doing here? I dismissed you before dinner.”

George bowed deferentially. “I realize that, Your Majesty, but wanted to put the finishing touches on the documents for your Monday morning meetings. I was on my way out when the telephone rang, sir; it’s the French President. He says it’s urgent.”

“I’m entertaining company,” Liam argued.

“I told him that, sir. He insists it’s vital he speak to you now.”

Liam nodded his head in resignation. “Tell him I’ll pick up shortly.”

George bowed before leaving the room, closing the door quietly behind him. Liam glanced at Drake with apologetic eyes and flushed cheeks.

“It … it won’t take long, Drake. Please, stay.”

Drake bit his lip, his eyes staring at the tops of his shoes before he rose from his chair. “I’m going home, Li. Maybe another time.”

Liam’s chin quivered, but he maintained a stoic façade. “Be careful. Text me when you get there?”

Drake nodded, his face averted as he patted his pockets. “Hey, Li?”

“Yes?” the King replied, a tad too eagerly.

“When we meet up again in another lifetime, do me a favor. Don’t be royal.”

 Tagging: @sirbeepsalot@jared2612@ao719@burnsoslow@marietrinmimi@merridithsmiscellany-blog@queenjilian@texaskitten30@glaimtruelovealways@indiacater@kingliam2019@bebepac@liamxs-world@ac27dj@the-soot-sprite@hopelessromanticmonie@amandablink@mom2000aggie@cmestrella@iaminlovewithtrr@liamrhysstalker2020@queenrileyrose@ladyangel70@gkittylove99@neotericthemis@twinkleallnight@umccall71@superharriet @busywoman@gabesmommie1130@tessa-liam@phoenixrising308@beezm@gardeningourmet@lovingchoices14@foreverethereal123@janezillow@mainstreetreader@angelasscribbles@lady-calypso@emkay512@jovialyouthmusic@21-wishes@princessleac1@charlotteg234@bbrandy2002​ @wackydrabbles
