#forced to torture




First post for Mafia Madness by @amonthofwhump

Prompt: Initiation/rite of passage.

Time to introduce some new characters! It’s Mallory’s 18th birthday and as a long standing family tradition it is time for his initiation, a test to determine if he’s cut out for the family business or not.

CW: character death, reluctant whumper, forced to hurt/kill someone, knife whump, referenced kidnapping and captivity., organized crime whump.

Most people probably looked forward to turning 18, but not Mallory. Because he knew it wouldn’t be like for other people his age; going on to study, traveling, getting a job. A normal job. A normal life. Sadly that wouldn’t be in the cards for him. As much as he loved his family, Mal knew they wouldn’t take kindly to him leaving. Now that he would be considered an adult, he would be expected to join the family business… And his 18th birthday marked the time to make it official; the time for his initiation. Mallory could barely sleep anything the night before, he spent hours staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning as he agonized over what would come the next day. He remembered his older sister’s initiation a few years ago and shuddered at the thought. How she could go through it like it was no big deal was beyond him. The rest of his family dind seem to mind either, several of them seemed to outright enjoy it. Maybe it was something wrong with him for being so bothered by it, when by all accounts he shouldn’t he shouldn’t mind; he should be used to the thought of it by now.

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