





Attention to the meaning of the central male slang term for sexual intercourse—"fuck"— is instructive. To fuck a woman is to have sex with her. To fuck someone in another context… means to hurt or cheat a person. And when hurled as a simple insult (“fuck you”) the intent is denigration and the remark is often a prelude to violence or the threat of violence. Sex in patriarchy is fucking. That we live in a world in which people continue to use the same word for sex and violence, and then resist the notion that sex is routinely violent and claim to be outraged when sex becomes overtly violent, is testament to the power of patriarchy.

bell hooks, The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love.

Male sexuality -IS- violence.

also worth noting is that the word “fuck” probably comes from a word meaning “to strike” and some of the synonyms for “fuck” include “bang”, “nail”, and “hit”. also that instead of saying “have sex with [a person]” men will say “destroy that ass/p*ssy/[other disembodied body part]”, that a girlfriend and a firearm may both be referred to as a “piece”, and that men like to boast about how much pain their sexual partner was in afterwards.

the most convincing argument that male sexuality is a form of violence is that men themselves believe it to be so.

the most convincing argument that male sexuality is a form of violence is that men themselves believe it to be so.“
