

For@forensicsisabelle. Hi Haley, I hope this has all the domestic & platonic fluff you were after, it was a joy writing this for you. <3 SS


something to hold

Sitting back, Magnus sipped at his Sidecar as he watched the pair of unfairly attractive siblings bicker between themselves.

All things considered his night is looking up.

He’d been bored at the party. Though that implies Magnus had actually felt something and the sad truth is that it’s been more years than he cares to think about since he’s truly felt much of anything. Even surrounded by people, Downworlders of all sorts and even the rare sighted mundane, Magnus hadn’t been able remember a time he’d felt more alone.

Putting on a smile as fake as most of the jewellery in the building, Magnus had summoned himself another drink as he’d drifted deeper into the room. There was once a time when Magnus had been the life and soul of every party lucky enough to have him make an appearance, but this one hadn’t been able to spark even the tiniest amount of absolutely anything but apathy in him.

Continue on AO3
