

foreskinrestorationinspiration said: Why would you alter a beautiful penis and loose sensitivity and function as well. That would be a wrong move, in my opinion.

I do not wish to be rude, but this is not the correct way to be an intactivist. Intactivists who criticise others for their consenting, informed decisions to do things are no better than the pro-circumcision bullies that they oppose.

I consider myself to be an intactivist. I am against routine infant circumcision, coerced circumcision, infant circumcision, uninformed circumcision and all other types of non-consensual and uninformed circumcisions.

The reply above is one of the more well said messages sent to those who would choose a circumcision for themself - it’s less forceful and less demanding and demeaning than most of the messages I find that come out of the more radical intactivists. But the whole message behind intactivism is that body autonomy is important. Body autonomy is the right to choose what do with your own body. This is piercings, body modification, hair dying and many other things. And body modification does include circumcision.

By being rude to people considering circumcision for themselves for some reason (not that this specific message is necessarily in this category), you are instead taking that body autonomy you fight for away, just as people who would try to convince someone to get circumcised would do.

Please think about these things before you post. Your actions count, use them where it’s important. Fight the right fights, the ones that protect people who can’t protect themselves. Let the people who have body autonomy exercise their body autonomy, and make those decisions for themselves. It’s no different to when my mother tells me she dislikes my piercings - I didn’t get them for her, and I’m not getting circumcised for you.

Edit: Wanted to add one more followup. Neither my (possible) decision to get circumcised, nor my ability to be ok with being circumcised (if indeed I am) should not threaten or demean anybody else’s decision to restore or to remain intact/uncut. And vice-versa. We’re all different with different experiences, bodies and opinions.
