#forever dawn



Anon please? Did you see that someone who got got to read Forever Dawn did an AMA on Reddit? She also has a tiktok called “Twilight_revamped” where she discusses some of the things that happen in the Forever Dawn draft. You should check it out, I would love to hear your thoughts!

This is fascinating.

It seems legit?

I had heard vaguely about the tiktoks but was skeptical; having more background info on the AMA reassures me a bit.

I don’t know a ton about how the copyright office works but from the little I remember from library school this tracks. tl;dr a copy of Forever Dawn was submitted to the Library of Congress for copyright purposes (literally just printed off the computer and put in a binder. Not a “book”). You can go and read it but you have to plan way in advance and pay like $200 in fees for them to search and retrieve it for you. That’s generally how archives work.

Find it REALLY interesting that in this version, Bella wanted to be a mom and has “baby fever” because (spoilers for a book that wasn’t and will never be published, I guess?) Renee and Phil had a baby boy, and Bella was a doting sister, and Edward’s all emo that Bella will never be able to be a mom. When they find out she’s pregnant, Edward instantly understands Bella will want to keep it instead of him assuming she’s horrified and wants it gone in BD.

Apparently the wolves know about the pregnancy but don’t super care.

There’s also something about the Volturi making Bella fight Victoria that at first I was like “… sure, Jan,” but then it goes on to say that Bella’s at the end of her newborn year so she knows she’ll lose, so instead she leads Victoria to the wolves who are hiding in the woods and THEY kill her which tracks with what SM said on her FAQ that the wolves kill Victoria at the confrontation and she’s the only death.

Also apparently Nessie is actually more of a baby?! Omg that already makes it way better.

Edward picked the name “Carlie,” which lmao yeah he would name his kid after Carlisle (and Charlie too but c'mon).

Jacob still imprints but only visits occasionally, doesn’t basically live with them, and Nessie “adores ‘her doggy.’” Which, YIKES SM he’s a human person! But it does point to Nessie not being a super genius. In BD, she says instead how she loves “wolf people, like my Jacob.” Which … okay I hate both of those actually.

Apparently FD does blatantly say that “imprinting is how werewolves find their mates,” though so that removes all doubt about whether or not it will be romantic in the future. Blech.

panlight: panlight: My attempt to hopefully clear up for the Forever Dawn/Breaking Dawn confusion on



My attempt to hopefully clear up for the Forever Dawn/Breaking Dawn confusion once and for all. 

bringing this back for the uninitiated or for people who just like flow charts.

I consider this really crucial for anyone thinking about this saga to understand, and goes to the point of this post I made a few weeks ago. There are inherent incongruities in the saga which exist because of this problem, which is why I consider it crucial to read beyond the text to the author’s intent in order to create coherence where the publishing process and writing process created incoherence. One does not have to read the saga that way, but that is the way I will always read it, so that’s what you’re getting if you come to this corner of tumblr.

I would add 6: The Illustrated Guide, which was released after nearly a decade of fan intervention and commentary, and which was largely assembled by fans and not by SM. In this flow chart, I would float it out as its own island because it is vaguely related to the canon but in many places counter-indicates canon and certainly contains aspects of plot and character background which shouldhave influenced the 4 books and for some reason, did not, which suggests that the ideas were not in place until The Guide was written.

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