#forgot i could reply like this


Ok I’m free from work tonight so I can finally answer phew. So why is the TOW fandom so small?

mylittlechimera replied to your post “Is Tumblr dead or is the TOW fandom small? Is it due to the Epic…”

aside from fallout new vegas all obsidian games have tiny fandoms and I’ve tried very hard to figure out why that is and… I still have nothing. everyone praises their writing and characters, so there is a lot to explore, yet few people make fan content. it is quite upsetting

I’ve been thinking about NV a lot, but it’s definitely the outlier here. It’s part a series that was already wildly successful, while TOW is a completely new IP. But if I compare it to another new IP like Pillars of Eternity, I still feel it comes up short in terms of fan engagement. And PoE was a niche game compared to TOW. Istg I’ve been drawing diagrams since I wrote that post to understand this mystery and I’m glad we’re having this conversation all together :D

noseforahtwo replied to your post “Is Tumblr dead or is the TOW fandom small? Is it due to the Epic…”

I’ve only had Parvati for three days but if anything ever happened to her I would kill everyone in this room and myself.

holysmotez reblogged your post and added:

Just chiming in as a random fan to say that I’m scratching my head over this, too. The characters and worldbuilding make for a fascinating sandbox to play in. And the whole corporate anarchy setting seems very much tapped into the current zeitgeist. Maybe it just happened to fly under a lot of people’s radar or they’re waiting for sales, idk. Hopefully it’s just been slow word-of-mouth and DLC will give it a shot in the arm

See I’ve been thinking about the whole “corporate anarchy” concept as well, I thought that maybepeople didn’t feel involved because the game lacked direct confrontation with the main villains up until the very last segment, but I don’t know. It’s not a convincing reason imho 

chartingneptune replied to your post “Is Tumblr dead or is the TOW fandom small? Is it due to the Epic…”

i think when it comes out on steam & is completely patched with dlc it’ll explode. i played it during its release month on xbox game pass & i loved it but didn’t have enough time to really get invested (and encountered some annoying bugs - i never got to do parvati’s full quest in 3 playthroughs).

I really, really hope this will be the case. 

funkypoacher replied to your post “Is Tumblr dead or is the TOW fandom small? Is it due to the Epic…”

@justeletemps-archive Honestly? Writing for TOW since the game came out, I’ve *still* had better feedback from the extremely tiny fandom than I’ve had from the DA fandom in all the years I’ve written for it. So, I mean, there *is* that. You’re right, tho – so much potential to explore in the world they created. So much room for writing totally original situations devoid of the Captain or what’s going on in the main quest because the sandbox is *huge*.

For some things, smaller fandoms/ships are definitely better. And in the end I think every piece we put up out there counts, so I’m sure sooner or later people will come around :D
