


Stan adjusted his glasses to look at it, his gut reaction being that he really didn’t want to wear it. “It’s a bit on the nose, huh?” He couldn’t help but ask but he took the sweater from her to look at the embroidery. He… Still really didn’t want to wear it but he also didn’t want to see Mabel’s face if he rejected it so he pulled the sweater over his head.

“I love it, sweetie.” He said, not faking the warmth in his voice.

“I was gonna put boxing gloves on it! Oh wait, I did. They’re on the back of it.” Mabel clasped her hands together, brown eyes lighting up at Stan’s reaction. She always enjoyed making things for her family, whether it were some kind of craft, or… a sweater. And just as she’d stated, there were boxing gloves embroidered on the back of Stan’s newly made sweater. 

“You do? I’m glad! Maybe I can make Grunkle Ford a matching one!” 


“Grunkle Stan, GUESS what your favorite grand-niece made for you!” Mabel didn’t even wait for an answer before holding up a light gray sweater completely hand-stitched, having the man’s name EMBROIDERED directly across the front of it. The brunette grinned, lightly rocking back and forth on her heels. 

“Do you like it?”
