#fox fic


A sneak peek for my other fic for The Fight We Takethe@galrashipzine Thulaz zine, which will be free to download soon! “Those Who Live and Those Who Die” is a story about death, knowledge, and Galra poetry, feat. special guest star: Kolivan!

His chest ached and his sides felt tight, lungs burning with every breath, but Thace had to keep breathing. Walking. Breathing and walking were simple actions. It was his task to focus and carry them out, as he always had. His body could not be allowed to fail now. It could not so much as slow. Time could not be spared. A Galra could push their body beyond all endurance through the power of will. More than enduring, he would excel. Thace moved into the pain. Pain was the great teacher. It had one more lesson for him.

Ulaz would have told him to pick up his pace. It would have been a grim joke, meant to encourage him, although Ulaz’s tone would have remained dry and flat. “I know what you’re capable of,” he would have said, with a quiet pride. Thace could almost hear his voice again.

Thace quickened his pace, steeling himself to make his way down the long corridor in stealthy silence. The last time his chest had ached like this had not been so long ago. That earlier ache hadn’t come from a wound, but it had been more severe than any agony the Druids’ unnatural techniques were able to inflict. Thace had been alone then, as he was now. A message had come for him.

When he’d received the transmission from headquarters, Thace had known it would be important. They were always important, though Ulaz would have said some were more important than others. He would have been right. Ulaz always was skilled at prioritizing.

Contact between comrades in the Blade of Marmora was intermittent and brief, by necessity. Messages from headquarters might come in quick succession when a situation escalated and immediate action was called for, but lengthy spans of time could pass with no word. Thace scanned communication channels regularly for anomalies, seeking patterns. Messages wouldn’t come to him by chance. He had to look for them. His military superiors considered him admirably diligent. They had never guessed he was a traitor—until now.

Hello—here’s a preview of my fic, “Rebels of the Foundation” for the Thace/Ulaz Zine: The Fight We Take, which will be free to download at @galrashipzine! (This is secretly a sequel to “Children of the Empire”, but also stands alone.)

“What do we do?” Thace asked, as he and Ulaz gazed down into the hole that had opened in the ground beneath them. From where they stood, no bottom could be seen, only darkness.

“We jump,” said Ulaz. He took Thace’s hand. He held it tight. There was an answering pressure from Thace—an agreement, or a promise. On the edge of emptiness, they hesitated, then leapt forward into uncertainty and open air.

The series of events that had led them to this leap had begun with Ulaz’s uncle and Thace’s promotion, phoebs ago. “I want you to be careful,” Uncle Kolivan had said, gold eyes glaring down at Ulaz over the cloth that protected his mouth and nose. The red planet that was home to the Foundation for Children of the Empire wasn’t naturally habitable. Galra technology had created a livable zone where the Foundation could flourish and provide a home for the orphaned and surrendered children of the empire.

“I’ve been careful.” Ulaz tried not to be petulant. That would make him sound young. Uncle Kolivan was rarely able to make his clandestine visits to the planet’s surface, and Ulaz could only use his science experiments as a cover for sneaking off the school grounds so often, so Ulaz had to take advantage of the little time given to him to convince his uncle to let him do what he wanted to do.

“And so you should remain. You are not an active agent. You are not to act like one. The Blade of Marmora is not the Empire. We do not use children as our operatives.”

“I’m not a child.” Too late, Ulaz realized what he’d done. He’d said what a child would say.

“Enough. I’ve made myself clear.” Ulaz could tell from his tone of voice that Kolivan would not be moved. “Ulaz. Be well.” Kolivan leaned down to press the side of his cheek against the top of Ulaz’s head, and no matter how affectionate the gesture was, Ulaz could tell he’d been dismissed.

Finally, I can post my submission for @galrareversebang! Here is my fic, Sacred Vows, based on @noog

Finally, I can post my submission for @galrareversebang! Here is my fic, Sacred Vows, based on @noogenesis‘s illustrations. You can see the two pieces over hereandalso here!

Title:Sacred Vows
Other Characters: Keith, Kolivan, Krolia, assorted Blades.
Summary: It’s a special day for Shiro and Ulaz, and they’re spending it with a few close friends from the Blade of Marmora. Earth does have a lot to offer: cultural attractions, sports, fine cuisine. The Galra will experience it all! Yet as the touring party is shadowed by pursuers and engage in a series of escalating battles, their actions seem to be leading up to something more—

Could it have something to do with love—or war? Knowing the Galra, it could be both.

Click to read on AO3.

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ashacrone replied to your link:

Operating Procedures, Chapter 8  (Shiro/Ulaz)…

You mentioned editing it later because of mentions of Adam and Shiro’s disease. Will you post when you do that so it will be easy to know when to give things a re-read?

Thanks for asking! Yes, I’ll mention it here and on AO3 when I make the edits. They’ll reflect newer canon info about Shiro and the Blade of Marmora.

I can finally post the two fics I wrote for the Zaggar Zine @galrashipzine! (The banner comes from a

I can finally post the two fics I wrote for the Zaggar Zine@galrashipzine! (The banner comes from a WIP of mine that I need to finish one of these days.) Thanks again to everyone involved with the zine!

Scientific Method: Zarkon wants to know more about the chief researcher on the Rift project, but he has protocol to consider. When she asks for his involvement, he is only too glad to offer her whatever assistance the Galra Empire can provide—but is that the best way to get to know someone?

Read on AO3

Threshold Effect: Quintessence gives Emperor Zarkon strength, but it can also take. It is up to Haggar to maintain the proper balance of energy. As time passes, ever greater sacrifices are required. Now, drastic measures must be taken. Haggar commandeers Prince Lotor’s assistance, but at the crucial moment, she hesitates.

Read on AO3

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Another story in my Shiro & Keith story collection, written for @sheithmonth. This one is for th

Another story in my Shiro & Keith story collection, written for @sheithmonth. This one is for the prompt Alternate Realities.

Wavelengths I[4,470 words, all ages] Keith’s father was human, and his mother was a merperson, which means he’s neither one nor the other. He lost his parents years ago. Although he lives among the People of the Sea, he’s never felt he was truly one of them. When he finally meets a human, will he find a place he belongs?

I felt like writing a merfolk AU, so I did it. Click the story title to go directly to it, or visit the collection at AO3. [There will be 10+ stories eventually, but they obviously will not all be finished this month.]

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Another story about Shiro and Keith written for @sheithmonth, for the prompt Quality Time.Barbarians

Another story about Shiro and Keith written for @sheithmonth, for the prompt Quality Time.

Barbarians and Backstory[3900 words, all ages] Keith isn’t as enthusiastic about Monsters and Mana as Shiro, but he’s allowed himself to be dragged along on a quest—or that’s what Shiro thinks. Is that really the truth of the matter? (Roll a perception check!) 

Part of a series of stories with a search and rescue theme. Click the title to go directly to the story, or read the whole collection on AO3.

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 I added a new story to my Shiro & Keith Search & Rescue themed collection for @sheithmonth:

 I added a new story to my Shiro & Keith Search & Rescue themed collection for @sheithmonth:

Witch Way[1,800 words, all ages] Keith is a witch, and he’s on his own in an unkind world—but not for long. A fairy tale, written for the prompt Happy Ending. I indulged myself by including some of my favorite things: witches, ravens, and cats.

Click the title to read the individual story, or read the collection on AO3. [Full disclosure: I won’t finish them all this month.]

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It’s @sheithmonth, and I wanted to write a few stories based on the various prompts. As I was writin

It’s@sheithmonth, and I wanted to write a few stories based on the various prompts. As I was writing them, I realized that they also fit the theme of “search and rescue”, probably because I love it when they rescue each other. 

Night Light[July 5, Guiding Light]: On an alien planet, after a long journey, Keith finds himself unable to sleep. Shiro has the same problem, but they may be able to help each other (again).

Descending Bodies[July 1, Trust]: Trust-building exercises don’t come easy for someone who doesn’t trust easily, but Shiro has witnessed the development of Keith’s unusual interest in trust falls.

Click the fic titles to go to the individual stories, or find the whole collection on AO3. I’ll add more to the collection as I finish them. 

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zarkonzine: IT’S FINALLY HERE!! 55 pages of quality zarkon content which contain 12 art and 4 fics f



55 pages of quality zarkon content which contain 12 art and 4 fics from these talented creators


Anko (twitter/IG) | Genesis (tumblr/PF) | StarSaga1 (twitter/tumblr) | PrincelyAffairs (tumblr) | Titaniumsnail (tumblr) | Cathode (FB/tumblr) | Andy Ace Cream(IG/twitter) | Paigyloli (tumblr/IG) | Marvacu (twitter) | PuddingMcMuffin (DA/tumblr) | Fusspot (twitter/IG)


Foxaloxa (tumblr/AO3) | Keith (tumblr/AO3)

Modded by

Arka (tumblr) | Rev (tumblr/AO3)

[click here to download for free]

*please do not repost / distribute / print / sell without permission

I am in this zine, and it is full of high quality Zarkon content. Check it ou!

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Here’s a preview for one of my fics in Long Live the Emperor ( @zarkonzine ), which will be available to download, free of charge, on Feb 1. There is no Zarkon in this preview, but trust me, he’s in the story!

“Something’s there,” said Keith.

Regris ran another quick scan, then checked and double-checked the console. “You think? No readings.”

Keith shook his head. “No, which is why I think there’s something there.”

Regris reflected on this, before nodding. “I see what you mean.”              

It wasn’t nothing that had brought them there. They had detected faint signals indicating Galra activity in this quadrant. There was no known reason for the Empire to send ships through this region. There were no charted Galra installations or settlements within this star system. The orange-red star at its center reigned over seven seemingly uninhabited planets.

Uninhabited, but not without signs of civilization. A more intense sweep of the system revealed what appeared to be a derelict space station. It was an old structure, orbiting the fifth planet’s largest moon. A preliminary scan indicated that its external design wasn’t consistent with Galra technology, but couldn’t identify what civilization had constructed it. To all appearances, it had been abandoned long ago, its hull battered, its lights gone dark.

“Should we go in closer, then?” Regris was preparing to do just that, making the necessary calculations at the helm of their small cruiser.

Keith was about to agree, when he felt coldness gather between his shoulder blades, rising up into his neck. “Wait. Can you do another scan?”

“For what?”

“I don’t know.” Keith’s instinctive caution was too vague for him to be more precise. “For anything dangerous.”

“Anything it is,” said Regris, fingers moving nimbly over the controls. “Let’s see, computer, do we have anything for Keith—? Ah.”

“What is it?” Keith demanded when Regris broke off.

“Mines. Ghost mines, which is why they didn’t show up on the basic scan. If we’d gone straight ahead— That wouldn’t have ended well.”

Keith scowled. The Empire wouldn’t waste ghost mines on nothing. “Let’s go in.”

“Charting a course around the mines.”

The course was not an easy one, maintaining stealth while avoiding the deadly mines. Keith half expected enemy ships to appear at any moment, but none arrived. The base might have been more than it seemed, but it was apparently abandoned. What was being hidden here, and who was it hidden from? No secure Galra installation would be left unmanned like this. It was as if the secret of it was so deep, it was hidden from even the Empire.
