#francis irl


I have exactly enough Spanish vocabulary left to put together a half formed conversation with a woman on the bus about how damn hot it is outside. And exchange dog pictures! Very important.

So, I have Cinnamon Toast Crunch cake mix and tomorrow I am gonna buy bananas and I am going to make Cinnamon Toast Crunch Banana Bread. Should I add chocolate chips?

(Best part? I also have Cinnamon Toast Crunch frosting.)

Man, putting my songs on total shuffle again is a treat. It’s been several months since I did this and I forgot how many pure nerd songs I have and how joyful they make me.

Why i don’t post a lot of pictures of my dog…

He takes the worst photos, y'all. The worst.

Wandering with my dog and am suddenly reminded we did have a giant storm and a tornado warning Monday…

Another dog walker told me the sidewalk was completely blocked until Tuesday afternoon. (also, three copies of the post mobile? really?)

My job tomorrow, besides my actual job, is to remember to buy batteries damnit. Triple A. My keyboard and my remote control need them and I’ve finally had to scavenge the remote control for the keyboard. I’ve been thinking about this for a month and just cannot seem to get myself to do it.



12:15 CST

AAA batteries.

Iwill be an adult.
