#francis valois

‘Reign’ is Ditching the Love Triangle: 5 Reasons it’s Good for the Show  Reign, th

‘Reign’ is Ditching the Love Triangle: 5 Reasons it’s Good for the Show 

Reign, the CW’s newly popular period drama, is hurtling toward its first season finale with high velocity. In fact, unceasing forward momentum has become a hallmark of Reign’s charming, addictive, and insane first season.

So it shouldn’t exactly have come as a surprise when executive producer Laurie McCarthy told TVLine the show planned to axe it’s major love triangle. Since the show premiered (and even before, on the promotional posters) the love triangle between the young Mary, Queen of Scots, her betrothed Prince Francis and his bastard brother Bash has been front and center. 

The first half of the season saw the love triangle drive much of the plot, as Mary hoped to save Francis from a fate foreseen by Nostradamus by marrying Bash instead. Yet after Mary ultimately married Francis, and Bash got unceremoniously stuck with Kenna, the show has seemingly hit the brakes on the big love triangle. 
According to McCarthy, this is not only by design, but will continue going forward. Talking about Mary and Bash to TVLine, McCarthy stated: “There will always be a lingering thing between them, but [Kenna] is going to find herself falling for Bash, and she’s going to be successful in getting him to fall for her. Our lives have chapters. People move on.”
This is huge news, not only for those heartbroken Mary and Bash fans, but more generally for the outlook of the show. In fact, I think it’s very positive news for Reign’s future. Here’s why: 

– Click to Read More at BuddyTV 

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 21 Things ‘Reign’ Got Right and Wrong in Season 2Reign’s second season just end

21 Things ‘Reign’ Got Right and Wrong in Season 2

Reign’s second season just ended with a bang, capping off an unfortunately uneven sophomore outing. The show has been renewed for a third season, thankfully, which means there is still time for the show to course correct and learn from some of its mistakes.

Below is a completely unscientific list of some of the best and worst things about Reign’s second season. Obviously, your mileage may vary with these selections.

– Read the full list of bad and good over at BuddyTV and let me know if you agree or think I’m way off base!

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‘Reign’ Recap: Bash Doesn’t Know He’s in Grave Danger This episode on Reign,

‘Reign’ Recap: Bash Doesn’t Know He’s in Grave Danger

This episode on Reign, the French Court find the weakest excuse yet to throw an opulent party, the King of Navarre stops by to extort money for more Eyes Wide Shut-style orgies and also to feed refugees (but mostly for orgies), and secrets and alliances are uncovered that could put multiple people in very grave danger.

“Sins of the Past,” finds our French royals striving to get beyond the past with varying levels of success. Bash finally decides to forgive Kenna after befriending a hot Greek zombie, while Mary decides a reunion with Francis is just too hard considering everything that’s happened.

– Read the full recap HERE!

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