#frank adler fan fiction



Back with another drabble, this time for Frank Adler! Our uncle daddy. Sounds weird… but let’s go with it haha.

This didn’t up exactly sugary sweet.. but I got the idea and I just couldn’t not write it. Besides, Frank isn’t a sugary sweet guy… he’s a moody SOB.

Becca’s Sugary Sweet Dad Collection Masterlist

Title: Mary Makes a Decision

Pairing:Frank Adler x reader



Disclaimer:This work of fiction is not to be reposted, used or translated without my permission.

“I’ve made a decision,” fourteen-year-old Mary announced at dinner.

You and Frank exchanged glances before giving her your full attention.

“I want to be a Veterinarian,” she explained. “Ideally, working at a zoo or a wild life rescue place, but I think I’d be fine working with regular animals, too.”

“I think that’s a fantastic idea,” Frank replied, encouragingly. “Just -”

“Don’t tell Evelyn,” Mary finished for him. She laughed before adding, “I’m pretty sure Grandmother would swallow her tongue!”

“And curse in German and French,” you piped in. “The ones she doesn’t dare say in English for fear they’d make her look low class.”

You’d met Frank after the custody fiasco, but had been there for the aftermath of it.

Frank had given his mom his sister’s work for the Millennium Problem to get Mary back, but he had wanted to protect his niece from any future issues by seeking legal guardianship of her.

Knowing that his mom could be an obstacle, he’d had his lawyer draw up papers stating that in exchange for the Millennium Problem work and the prize money as well as his promise to put Mary in advanced classes, his mom would not interfere with how he raised Mary nor his seeking guardianship of her.

His mother, had of course, had other conditions she wanted to add, but eventually, between their lawyers they had worked out a solid plan. His mom had even written a letter saying that she approved of Frank gaining custody of Mary.

The state had granted Frank custody and Mary had blossomed under his care.

Unlike her uncle, who had gone to an all boys boarding school, and her mother, who had been tutored at home, Mary had a mostly balanced school and normal life. She played sports with the kids her age and did after school activities with them as well.

“What about the Millennium Problems?” Frank asked, voicing the question that they all knew Evelyn would ask.

“That was Grandma and then Mom’s dream,” Mary replied with a shrug. “I want to take care of animals.” She took a bit of her dinner before adding, “We’ll just tell Evelyn that I’m going to be a doctor so I can find the cure to cancer and just forget to mention the part where the cancer I’m going to cure is in animals and not humans.”

I love her choice for work! And her idea hehe. And frank is a moody SOB and I LOVE HIM AND THIS❤️
