#frankie catfish morales x you




Chapter 5: Post-Session

Pairing: Francisco “Frankie” Catfish Morales x F!Reader

Word Count: 500

Warnings:M, 18+ MINORS DNI, Sex Worker!Frankie, implied other Triple Frontier Boys!Sex Workers, watch me make up shit about sex work, allusions to sexual acts, Frankie being a sweetie is its own warning, and feelings sprinkled in there for flavor.

Cross-posted on AO3

Something New Masterlist

Sex Worker!Frankie AU Series Masterlist

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This whole thing was absolutely captivating. I could not stop reading it!!

Thank you lovely! I’m so glad you enjoyed it!



Chapter 5: Post-Session

Pairing: Francisco “Frankie” Catfish Morales x F!Reader

Word Count: 500

Warnings:M, 18+ MINORS DNI, Sex Worker!Frankie, implied other Triple Frontier Boys!Sex Workers, watch me make up shit about sex work, allusions to sexual acts, Frankie being a sweetie is its own warning, and feelings sprinkled in there for flavor.

Cross-posted on AO3

Something New Masterlist

Sex Worker!Frankie AU Series Masterlist

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Ha! Love that ending!

I’m so glad you enjoyed it! It was super fun watching your comments through the fic, I hope you had a lovely time with Frankie! ❤️



Chapter 3: Continue Session

Pairing: Francisco “Frankie” Catfish Morales x F!Reader

Word Count: 4900

Warnings: E, 18+ MINORS DNI, Sex Worker!Frankie, implied other Triple Frontier Boys!Sex Workers, watch me make up shit about sex work, descriptions of male and female bodies, oral sex (F receiving), female masturbation, fingering (f receiving), safe PiV sex, a touch of Feral Frankie, one ass slap, fingers in mouths, cum eating, some angst and feelings sprinkled in there for flavor.

Cross-posted on AO3

Something New Masterlist

Sex Worker!Frankie AU Series Masterlist

Notes: All the smut’s in this chapter as if I hid my romance novel inside my Complete Works of Shakespeare while riding the subway.

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Yup! Yuuuup!

Now that’s what we call an excellent session!


Co-written with @absurdthirst!


A Triple Frontier Soulmate AU!
Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales x female reader

In a world where every soul has a perfect mate, Frankie Morales has seen no evidence that his even exists. Soulmates gain each other’s permanent body markings - scar and tattoos - and while all of Frankie’s ink and battle wounds have transferred over to his soulmate’s skin, he’s never found a single mark on his body that he didn’t make himself. Until now.

Explicit chapters marked with **


(moodboard by @frankiemorales​!)

Find my full Masterlist HERE!

I love a good soulmate au story and this is certainly 1 of them! just had another read, it is so good and i love the reader, she is such a good character, which is fabulous as we know all the boys will be great as usual….


Basic Training - Chapter 4

Basic Training Series Masterlist
JHFTM Main Masterlist

Word count: 4200

Rating: Mature/Explicit for soft smut, 18+ only (no minors)

Outline: Frankie “Catfish” Morales x “You” (female reader, no racial description, no physical description, no name, no use of “Y/N”)

Warnings: It’s 1997 and Frankie is 22 years old; older woman/younger man dynamic;  former teacher dynamic; kissing; undressing; a frank conversation about sex; curse words and vulgar language; 10+ year age gap but everyone is legally an adult; story switches back and forth between Frankie’s POV and Reader’s POV

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Frankie wasn’t entirely sure where his sudden burst of confidence had come from, but he wasn’t going to question it. If he was being honest with himself, it probably wasn’t even confidence, but sheer desirethat had driven him to spill his guts and move to kiss her again. His head spun and he almost couldn’t fully digest all of the new information he had learned in the past ten minutes… the fact that she wasn’t mad at him for kissing her the first time, that she had been thinking about himsince Saturday night. And most of all, the fact that she was kissing him back right now with her soft arms draped around his neck, pulling him closer. 

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Claaaiiirrreeee this was amazing! I loved getting a peek inside Frankie’s head, and the way he adores and worships her just for being her is giving me life. The slow seduction though…. I need to dunk my head in cold water now. Excuse me.

Chapter 7|Chapter 8 |Masterlist

Brief ass slapping, discussion of a ruined car by a jealous lover and I think that’s it.

Pairing: Frankie Morales x OFC

A/N: Quick update, still figuring out the new work schedule but hopefully next week we will return to posting full chapters and there’s a SURPRISE at the end. 

Word count:1.2k

The month passed at a decent pace, before they knew it the deadline for out-processing all the team and whether Jayme would stay or go came. While Pope, Ironhead, and Catfish (and of course Redfly), all had close to seventeen years in Jayme only had ten. 

After many a discussion with Frankie about possibilities, where they would move to what, what they would possibly do they decided that Jayme would discharge and go with Frankie. Having more discussions with Molly, Redfly, and their family it was decided they would all head together. Starting life over in a new area and new scenery but still as a team. 

Once Jayme informed her parents of what she was doing they were once again supportive, never once doubting her and even asking when they could come help pack them out and move them down. Thankfully though the Army would provide one last move to most of them. During their last days on base, Benny was approached by a guy looking to bring him into cage fighting, telling him that the training he had would only help him. Will was against it but Benny took the guy’s card anyway. Benny was always one after his own mind.

They all decided on the city to go to, a major deciding factor was that Frankie had already been offered a job as a helicopter tour pilot. Molly and Tom decided on Florida and went there with the girls, while they were missed Jayme mostly hoped they could work out their problems and reconcile. Pope, Benny, and Ironhead all got jobs with a security firm and Ironhead even started dating a woman not long after they all moved to the area. 

For a while everything was fine, Jayme landed an amazing job working at the Veteran’s Affairs and writing part-time for a women’s veteran magazine. Life went on. The team kept in touch with Molly and Tom, civilian life began to develop for the group, Benny started doing some fighting and boxing matches and Will became engaged to the woman he was seeing. 

It was more nights at home consecutively than any of the men had had in the past seventeen years, and that presented a new set of challenges. It was stressful, these men were always used to being on the go, mission to mission with very little downtime. Being home every night was a stumbling block for most, and the fact that they started frequenting the same bars over and over again and that Benny and Pope started picking up women from these same bars. Frankie and Will just started running more and working on small projects together to keep their hands busy while not with their ladies.

Jayme, ever the big sister of the group, tried to warn them that it was a bad idea. “Keep it clean and make sure you don’t shit in your nest.” She tried telling Benny and Pope. Then one lazy Sunday morning while Frankie and Jayme were still laying in bed when the quiet was broken by the sounds of Metallica playing from Frankie’s phone, groaning he rolled over to pick it up knowing that it was going to be Pope.

“Heyhermano, what’s up?” Frankie says, with Jayme listening in to what she can, hearing Pope’s voice stressed out but can only pick up certain words; keys, car, crazy. It didn’t take much for Jayme to put two and two together, leaving Frankie to talk to him she got out of bed and shrugged on her robe, and headed to make coffee. 

Ten minutes later after hearing Frankie showering Jayme was standing in the kitchen when he walked in with his hair still wet from the shower. Pouring him his own mug she handed him coffee and kissed him on the cheek. “That was Pope on the phone,” Frankie said as he snaked an arm around Jayme’s waist.

“No really? I thought you had changed my father’s ringtone to For Whom The Bell Tolls. Silly me.” She said with a wink, before turning from his arms to finish preparing what was on the counter.

Frankie laughed and slapped her on the butt as she turned around, “you’re lucky I like you missy, not most can sass me like that.” 

“You’re lucky I love you Catfish, not most get my sass,” Jayme said as she finished preparing what Frankie assumed was lunch, including a thermos of hot coffee. “Lunch, coffee, and sodas are in the fridge chilling. I figured something happened with Pope’s Challenger and knew you would head over there. I have things to do around here, I have that article to finish too, I’ll be okay. I’ll see you this evening.” 

Frankie smirked at her and reached out and pulled her into his arms kissing her soundly, “I’m not sure what I would do without you, you sure you’re going to be okay? I know we planned for a lazy Sunday.”

Kissing him back Jayme reassured him she would be fine and sent him out the door with an “I love you”,  with that he was off heading towards Pope’s in his truck. Knowing that Jayme was undoubtedly the most perfect fit for him. Pulling into the parking lot for Pope’s apartment Frankie spotted the gunmetal challenger in its assigned parking spot, covered in hot pink spray paint, eggs, bologna, and probably more damage but Frankie couldn’t see it from the truck.

Getting out he headed for Pope’s door and knocked, upon answering Pope looked at Frankie who held up the bag Jayme had packed. Pope waved him in as he was on the phone, hopefully with the insurance. It had started to seem more likely the more “uh-huh, yeah, umm,” that came from him, finally after asking “and how much is this going to cost me?” Pope hung up.

Coming into the kitchen Pope saw what Frankie had laid out from the bag, barbequed pulled pork sandwiches with a side of potato salad, the thermos of coffee and sodas. Pope sagged, against the entryway to the kitchen, listening to his hunger growl, ever since he woke up and headed out to go get breakfast and he discovered that mess of his car now, he had been on the phone or taking pictures to send to the insurance company. 

Frankie saw Pope standing there and jerked his head towards the food telling him to come on over. Pope gladly did and they dug in in silence both focused on the food than talking. Once that was finished and they were cleaning the table up Pope sat back down and let out a sigh, he looked at Frankie and said “Frankie, if you don’t hurry up and marry her I will cause if she cooks like that I would be a happy man every night of the week.” 

Rolling his eyes Frankie looked at his best friend, “don’t you worry yourself about that, Jayme’s only ever going to be a sister to you because, and I swear to God, Pope if you tell her a lick of what I’m about to tell you I will tell Mama Garcia on you.” Staring Pope down to let him know how serious he was, while the man was good at OpSec he wasn’t the best at keeping secrets from Jayme, like their first Christmas and Frankie didn’t know what to get her so he had bought her a simple opal necklace, Jayme had out within two days of the purchase thanks to Pope.

“I won’t I swear, I already have to deal with one angry woman in my life I don’t need my own mother complicating things because I upset Jayme.” Pope made a cross-my-heart motion and zipped his lip.

“I’m asking Jayme to marry me next week.”

Well? What did you think of that surprise, I mean not entirely shocking, we all knew it was coming but oooh how’s he going to do it?

Tag List:

@disgruntledspacedad@kat-r-in@sunrise-river@perropascal@starlight-starwrites@foxilayde@toomanystoriessolittletime@mesmorales@marvelousmermaid@knivesareout@kaqua@mischiefnevermanaged94@general-latino@justanotherblonde23@autumnleaves1991-blog@itspdameronthings@detroitbydark@jedimastergoat@jedimandoscorruption@kesskirata@danniburgh@jitterbugs927@rebelliouscat@cassandras-nest@mstgsmy@anetteaneta@mostly-megan@day-off-inkyoto@brandyllyn@asta-lily@pancakeisreading@its–fandom–darling@fromthedeskoftheraven@salome-c@rosiefridayrogersunday-reads@that-chick212@t3rradactyl@mrsparknuts@dobbyjen@sara-alonso@tanzthompson​ @a-trial-run-on-paper@amneris21@libariantothejedi@radiowallet@adriiibell@gallowsjoker@waywardimpalawriter@hotspacepilots@dihra-vesa@tintinn16@darnitdraco
