#frankie pep





learning curves - frankie x pep masterlist [plus size fem reader]


summary: Frankie goes back to school, and he meets you in his quest to understand financial aid and find love.
pairing: frankie morales x pep [plus size fem reader]
rating: T to E [see individual parts for warnings and ratings]
y'all can thank @starlightmornings for the series title bc my babe is a genius


worth it[complete]:
part i
part ii
part iii

anything for you [coming soon]
just us 


hi friends I’m embarrassed to say I’ve only JUST found the learning curves series and I’m kinda losing my mind over it???

yes, I technically read the whole thing in the deep trenches known as 4am-5am but I laughed, weeped, empathised and then also got incredibly turned on? like hello??? has @ezrasbirdie come to take my brain, my heart or my vagina because they’ve done it all.

absolutely loved reading about Pep’s experience, which at times was difficult to read but also something we’ve all been through in some way or another. the storytelling was so heartfelt, intimate and engaging, and I was with Pep every step of the way.

I recommend you read all of it if you haven’t, but also – “just us” is… WOOF. for the filth sisters™. so fucking delicious, so hot. the frankie/benny dynamic is one of my faves. this is an accurate portrayal of me ignoring my loins while reading:

thank you so much for sharing @ezrasbirdie. 

wdiwfjsdfdsjfkaksd the fucking gif is taking me OUT and you are a DOLL thank you so much, sweetness!!!!

I love this, read it!!! as a plus sized lady myself i am in Peps shoes 100% @nothoughtsjustmeds has it right on the money!!!!
