#fred wealsey x reader


send in story ideas for the weasley twins!! i’m in the mood for witty laughter rn

celebrating your birthday with fred weasley

  • this man would go all out
  • the king of extra himself was planning your birthday so how could it not be the most extravagant day ever
  • freddie had been planning this day for the longesttime
  • he even got all of his siblings involved to help him
  • he definitely tired pranking you that morning by ‘pretending today wasn’t your birthday’
  • but this poor boy couldn’t last more than five minutes because he was just too excited for today
  • makes a huge speech for you at breakfast in the great hall in front of basically the entire student body
  • going on about how today should be proclaimed as a world-wide holiday
  • “attention! today is the most beautiful, sweet, funny, smart, precious girl’s birthday! so lets be sure we wish her a happy day. i’m talking to you, professor snape.”
  • all of hogwarts kind of just looked at him semi confused, but decided it would be best if they went along with it
  • ohand most certainly delivered his speech at dumbledoor’s podium, juuust to make sure everyone knew
  • cue mcgongall shouting at him, but happily thinking of how sweet and in love that boy was
  • he makes sure all of your classes sing you happy birthday
  • and would prank any teacher or student who wouldn’t participate in the festivities
  • needless to say you had heard a few too many off-key happy birthday songs that day
  • freddie is a scavenger hunt expert!!! and had the most wonderful one set up for you on your special day!
  • he hid small presents all over the castle with hints, leading you to the next one. until you found your big surprise!
  • anot so surprise party!
  • in the gryffindor common room was all of your friends waiting to celebrate you
  • there was msuic, dancing, a table with all your favorite foods and it was nothing short of perfect
  • freddie was so proud of himself because you looked like you were having the absolute time of your life
  • he never felt so lucky in his life because he had the absolute privilege of celebrating you
  • and knowing freddie, he was already thinking about how he can make next year’s birthday even more special than this

(a/n: hey guys! soooo tomorrow’s my birthday so, i thought i would share some fun birthday freddie headcannons! & tomorrow i will be posting cedric birthday headcannons! anyways, thank you for reading & if you enjoyed please feel free to reblog! see you someplace magical!)
