#free dttf

Preview of my piece for the For The Team Zine With Haru, Rin and Sou having a fun time together and Preview of my piece for the For The Team Zine With Haru, Rin and Sou having a fun time together and

Preview of my piece for the For The Team Zine 

With Haru, Rin and Sou having a fun time together and trying to climb trees

For the Team Zine
is a charity zine about friendships in the Free! series. All profits will be donated to Friends International, an organization to help children all accross the world!

All the people involved in this zine put a lot of love in its creation <3 consider supporting us!

You can order one copy here : fortheteamzine.bigcartel.com
More info on their tumblr : @fortheteamzine

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