#free raed





(27/5/22) The Administration of Occupation Prisons returns captive Khalil Awawdeh to Rama prison clinic despite a decision by the occupation court to stay in the hospital and today the Occupation court refused for the second time releasing the prisoner Khalil Awawdeh despite his dangerous health condition. Khalil bas been on hunger strike for 86 days since march 3rd 2022 protesting his administrative detention without charge or trial. The Occupation is actively keeping reporters from Al Jazeera and his family from taking and sharing pictures of him because they know it will move people to talk about him, don’t be a part in making their strategy work.Email templates to send to the occupation.

Prisoner Raed Rayyan is also on hunger strike for the 51st day and needs all the attention he can get.

Prisoner Israa Jaabis : The occupation prison authorities refuses the request of the prisoner Israa Jaabis to carry out a surgery to make her able to breathe through her nose. They claimed that it is a plastic surgery&not necessary for Israa. For more than 7 yearsnow Israa is breathing through mouth! Please read (trigger warning for description of explosion and injury there are also images)Her story

Every day on twitter there’s an “electronic storm” organized by Palestinians where everyone has to tweet about these cases between 8 and 10 pm Al Quds (Jerusalem) time.

Important things to remember for this to be effective :

1.Retweetsdo not help. It is countedas 1 hashtag made by the original author of the tweet. The purpose of this is to get the maximum of hashtags so that these cases are trending to force international press coverage and human rights organizations to talk and take action (tag them @/hrw @/jvp @/ICRC @/UNHCR etc etc)

2. If you wanna retweet something, choose texts with hashtags, copy paste the text with the hashtag and quote tweet the original tweet.

3. Writing only hashtags like for example just tweeting “#FreeKhalil”alsodoesn’t help, you have to write a minimum of 6 characters along with them (correct me if i’m wrong about this, i read it from an account on ig, but honestly i’m not taking the risk)

4. It’s also better not to use more than2 to 3 hashtags per tweet. (I also heard someone say this in a twitter space, and I noticed that the vast majority of official Palestinian accounts tweeting don’t put more than 3 so)

5. Hashtags to use (save them in your notes to use them quickly) :


#FreeKhalil #FreeRaed #FreeIsraa


#الحرية_لرائد_ريان #الحرية_لإسراء_جعابيص

6. There are many other prisoners that need attention (like Ahmad Manasra, whom you’ll hear about soon) but right now try focusing on these because they’re not getting enough coverage at all and the prisoners on hunger strike could literally lose their lives any time.

7. Accounts to follow :

On twitter : Arabic and english : jalestinian

Palestine captives

On instagram : free.khalilfree ahmad manasra

Keep reading

This is super important. And im adding onto this bc the original post is giving you step by step what you can do to help.

Just reminding everyone of the severity of the situation:

Khalil Awawdeh has been on a hunger strike for nearly 3 months. Twice, petitions for his release have been rejected despite health being incredibly dire. Unfortunately if he does not protest, he could be held in detention without charge or trial for years!

Ahmad Manasra was arrested as a child! He was 13 years old when the occupation forces kidnapped him, and has since been tortured and abused by occupation forces. And now 7 years later, he is being held in solitary confinement.

And this is the case for every prisoner held by Israel without charge or trial.

Please shout their names from the tops of buildings. Petition your governments. Do not let Israel sweep this under the rug. Do not let Khalil starve in vain!

#FreeKhalil #FreeRaad #FreeIsraa #FreeAhmadManasra

There’s a huge possibility that the Occupation is trying to murder prisoner Khalil to discourage Palestinian prisoners under administrative detention without charge or trial from going on hunger strike for freedom.

Talk about them. #FreeThemAll
