#frenchie rambles


Going back and watching Transformers Prime, awesome show, the Orion Pax arc where, at the end, Optimus goes “Although it seems there is much I do not remember” got me thinking.

The part where Jack is waiting for the Key of Vector Sigma to receive the contents of the Matrix, the device, I assume is Vector Sigma, meant to transfer the contents was attacked by scraplets, which are basically Cybertron’s take on locusts/piranhas but 10x more destructive.

I’ve been thinking about it for a while now, but I can’t be the only one who found it odd that Optimus didn’t receive ALL of his memories, especially considering that there’s no known side effects of gaining the Matrix’s contents through the key. It’s been confirmed by Ratchet that Optimus gained the Matrix through Primus, basically becoming a Prime right then and there, meaning that, since he had the Matrix within him, all of his memories would be logged into Vector Sigma, just like the other Primes.

So how come Optimus didn’t gain all of his memories? The scraplets. The scraplets were eating away at Vector Sigma, which probably damaged the connection between it and the key. It would explain why Optimus doesn’t remember everything as a Prime.

I know this is out of the blue for me, but I’ve seen no one talk about this, or even question it. It was probably cause bigger things were at play, but I love small details like this and this theory would explain so much.
