#frivolous reblogs






TBH I’m not even scared of 1000 demons

What about 1001 demons

Jesus Christ. Just. Fuck, that’s too much. That’s too scary.

i love how with the new ball maps popular blogs can literally leave impact craters on posts



the reasons draculas doors are all locked is because that’s where he’s keeping his other soliciters.


the way informed consent for hrt has to be phrased is so funny like warning: taking these drugs will make you extremely sexy and solve all your problems. the effects are irreversible



the worst part about being a samurai is it always takes a few seconds before someone’s blood will spray out of their wounds so you waste a lot of time waiting to see who won each dramatic showdown

And lemme tell ya there are a lot of dramatic showdowns. I’ll be on a nice walk when suddenly white flower petals are drifting on the wind and there’s someone I once considered a friend and confidant standing with his back to the full moon and Im just like. Fucks sake I swear I just did this.



i just know there was a weird little girl in the middle ages out there stealing snake’s eggs and putting them in her family’s chicken coop in the hope of hatching a basilisk

god i love the internet because if i said shit like this to people irl they’d probably just stare at me blankly but when i post it online everyone in the notes reacts like this
