#frodo baggins imagine


Frodo refused to believe it. You, the one person in the Fellowship that he admired and looked up to, was trying to take the Ring from him. You, who reassured him to stay strong throughout the journey. He did not know what dark thoughts ran in your mind, but what he knew was that you were not yourself, and he was more than willing to help you snap out of it.

“Where is the ring? Give me the ring, Frodo! I will not ask you this again.” You asked him harshly, and he flinched at your tone.

“You are not yourself!” Frodo said, backing away from you. But he fell, and you took advantage of this to try taking the Ring from him. You pinned him to the ground as he tried to break free from you.

However, he put on the Ring, suddenly disappearing and startling you. Your anger only grew, as he had just alerted Sauron where he was.

“Good job, Frodo. You just told Sauron where you are. Not too long there will be a pack of orcs swarming around, looking for you. You should’ve given me the Ring, you’ve put us in much more trouble than you already have!” You shouted.

But then Frodo had kicked you. Snapping you out of your delusions. “Frodo?” You said, beginning to tear up, then felt another kick to your face, making you fall backwards to the ground. You could not see him, but you saw heard him running away from you.


Frodo wanted to come back. He really did. It broke his heart hearing the brokenness of your voice. But he realized that if you, the purest person in the group, were able to beat Boromir to trying to take the ring first, then he couldn’t come back.

He had to go to Mordor alone. It will be difficult, but he will find a way, recalling something you told him a while ago, something he has always followed.

Anything is possible, my dear Frodo. Do not let anyone make you think otherwise. Follow your heart, it will take you to wherever you want to be.


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