#frog legs





unhappy reminder that amphibians are going through a pandemic right now and anything you can do to support conservation efforts would be greatly appreciated by literally everyone in the world

and for those of you who don’t click links here’s a summary of the scale of the issue as of march 28 2019:

  • basically a pathogen is affecting and killing off amphibians at an alarming rate globally
  • it’s been spread through trade of frog meat and pets primarily
  • its already done more damage to biodiversity than cats and rats
  • the pathogen can affect at least 695 species to varying degrees
  • 90 species either confirmed extinction or assumed extinct in the wild
  • 124 species undergoing a decline of over 90%
  • 501 species in decline which means about 1 in 16 of every species known to science is affected
  • it has “has damaged global biodiversity more than any other disease ever recorded.” which is fucking terrifying
  • efforts to curve the effects include urging governments to crack down on the trade of amphibians, protecting their natural habitats, combatting invasive species, and supporting breeding programs
This is a great podcast episode about this horrific problem.

Fuck We can’t even take care of own species pandemic
