#from other queer identities








men who like butch/gnc women are not inherently creeps or fetishists or predators going after lesbians. if you are a man who is attracted to masculine women you should not be ashamed of that.

butch/gnc women who like men are not “giving men the idea that they can go after lesbians”. if you are a masculine woman who is attracted to men you should not be ashamed of that.

if you don’t know why this post is necessary then you have not been listening to gnc women, especially bi women, who want men to be attracted to them, nor the men, especially bi men, who are attracted to those gnc women.

or more likely, they aren’t saying anything because they’re worried about the judgement they’ll recieve.

so maybe shut up and listen to us for once.

I made this post because of the things I heard expressed by my fellow bisexuals and I’m sure it’s a sentiment shared by many others, given how many people have said they felt reassured by this. just LISTEN.

bi butches have existed for decades, bi women have been calling themselves butches for decades, bi women have been involved in butch/femme culture for decades. a massive chunk of what we consider “lesbian history” has had bi women at its core right beside lesbians. to imply otherwise is erasure.

Not to mention (whispers) men have used the term too

yeah butch/femme has a history even outside of wlw like depending on the context it can be applied to masc and fem gay/bi men, or in ball culture to refer to butch queens (gay/bi men) and femme queens (trans women). it’s literally all about context lol.
