


Armored Lady Monday

My Paladin Sophia Linprant! not a dnd character this time, this is a type of paladin i made for a project i had around when i finished university that “hasnt” gone anywhere but god dammit i will make it go somewhere at some point, i just need to finish so much stuff ;v;

REGARDLESS, paladins in this world are more like the elite guards/police of the kingdom, paladin are people who have reached the peak of military rank (or at least thats the idea) i hope you like it!



Armored Lady Monday

My paladin Neri! an eladrin elf, shes a character i use to play in oneshots, an absolute junkie for conflict and combat.

she takes as many guild jobs as possible that are just a straigth up -fight this thing/s- she does everything in her power to look threatening, extravagant and taunty to insite people who think they are hot shit to take shots at her, also going as far as pretending to not be as proficient as she is in combat, so the same people that would get interested, would dive head first thinking they have the upperhand.

(yes she has both arms, she puts a lot of concentration on moving it along with the wind to make it look like she doesnt)
