#ft kiha


    groggy  vox  exhales  a  wanton  grunt  –  one  which  signifies  of  the  immense  wavering  in  cooperating  with  such  aggravating  schemes  first  thing  in  the  morning.  his  twin  surely  does  already  know  his  habitual  deportment  for  he  avoids  whichever  violent  act  he’s  attempting  to  throw  at  him  and  succeeds  in  the  act,  mostly  for  kiha’s  own  sluggish  and  cumbersome  limbs  are  still  mantled  with  a  blanket  of  somnolence  and  the  yearning  to  proceeds  to  slumber.  he’s  enervated  in  dimensions  unfathomable,  unwilling  to  cooperate  albeit,  still  ultimately  gets  out  of  the  bed.  no  words  leave  his  lips  as  he  drags  himself  to  the  bathroom  thence  to  the  kitchen  ;  the  flavor  of  hot  coffee  down  his  chest  and  filling  his  empty  stomach  is  a  bliss,  the  bitterness  dancing  across  the  tongue  in  a  sense  of  accomplishment.  although  there’s  still  a  vehement  yearning  within  him  to  return  to  his  now  not  as  warm  bed,  kiha  comprehends  the  significance  of  this  impromptu  trip  which  his  twin  has  set  for  them  ( hopefully  with  some  planning  ahead ).      ❛    so  now  that  i’m  awake…  let  me  ask  you  how  do  you  wanna  die  ?    ❜      there  is  no  jest  in  his  words  albeit  not  much  fury  nor  vexation  either  ;  he’s  facilely  embittered  over  the  fact  their  mother  demanded  them  to  stay  over  for  that  long…  the  notion  itself  causes  him  to  quiver  with  discomposure  and  choler.

    ❛    so… brother  dear  –  while  i  plan  how  your  death  will  look  like  an  accident,  please  do  tell  me…    ❜      an  eyebrow  is  quirked  upwards  as  he  fills  his  stomach  with  much  needed  breakfast,  relishing  in  the  flavors  of  his  brother’s  exquisite  cooking.        ❛    what’s  the  hurry  –  i  mean…  are  you  running  away  from  your  boyfriend  ?  thought  you  two  would  fix  things  by  now,  in  all  honesty.    ❜

 ❛  well sleeping beauty finally comes forth .    ❜   there’s a mock in his voice as he dares not to turn his back until he’s finished shoving the last snacks into the bag he had prepared for their trip .   smug grin upon his features as kiwoo finds himself turning around to see his brother already at the table , eating the breakfast he had made .  what a kiha thing to say and he is so used to it for he had heard the same thing every time he woke up his brother since he could remember.  from the two , kiwoo was more of the morning person.  ❛  hmm, temping   to help you plot my own demise but i would have to pass this time around , hyeong .  ❜  low is the chortle that parts through his tiers as he moves over to sit across the elder .  he could see the unhappiness even if he didn’t have to look far to see it .   ❛  i thought it would do us some good to get out of the city and it’s been a while since we’ve hung out.     ❜  both respectfully busy with school , gatherings and partners  –  although he knew it wouldn’t waiver their bonds  ;  kiwoo did miss his brother and after what both of them were going through , he decided a break would be good for them .  moreso , kiha than himself if he had to be honest .  he hadn’t seen his brother in his type of slum if he could even recall well .    

❛  elijah and i are working it out .  i still don’t want to go home yet , although he knows of the trip.  ❜  while it had been a few days since his big fight with his brother ; contact was still there . more so it was kiwoo unable to face the other just yet , not without making a grand apology , even if his emotions were still aching .  he really couldn’t bare fighting with his lover .    ❛ you’ve been in a funk since your fight with both taehyun and jisoo ,hyeong and i’m honestly worried about you .  so let’s go on a trip , it might help get things clear for both of us but also hang out. I got everything plan too.     ❜  excitement coats the ends of his voice at the last words as he reaches for his pocket to pull out a map .  ❛   it’s a road trip to busan , taking the back roads .  the long way , if you can say.      ❜  
