#ftwd fanfiction


things i plan to rewrite - eventually.

thejust come on series. i have the basis in my head but i’m writing the plot soon. so far, so good.

thewelcome to the end series. ah yes, the masterpiece of my early life. like when i was thirteen. i have the basis down, not the full plot, but so far got character dynamics down. it’s going to be very family heavy and probably very bittersweet. and due to personal reasons, the reader is definitely going to be a goofy ass nerd because i say so.

as for other works, i plan on posting random blurbs from my own personal ocs from media i like. um. yeah, that’s about it. i have playlists for the works i’m redoing so let me know if anyone wants those ! the new titles are as follows;

just come on->they will see

welcome to the end->this is the end
