#fuck diet culture


Also, if you’re thinking “impure” thoughts (or, rather, perfectly normal and natural thoughts and feelings you’ve been taught by your religion are “evil” and “impure,”) don’t “modesty shame” anyone, either. Look away, and manage your feelings.

And don’t even bother trying to disguise your body-shaming or modesty-shaming as “concern” for them, either. Because we all know you’re not really “concerned” about them, or their health, or their well-being, or their self-care/self-respect.




Hate diet culture so much bitches will b like “don’t eat processed carbs they’re so bad for you” like and??? So what?? God did not give us grain and stone to grind it with for no reason. Bread is inevitable. Bread is food for the heart and the soul. U think I’m gonna give that up in pursuit of instagram fitness?? U think I’m gonna deny myself the simple pleasure of toast with jam so I can endlessly chase an ever-shifting standard of beauty that ultimately means nothing? In 20 years I will no longer be beautiful and in 60 my body will be vacant food for other, smaller creatures. But the taste of fresh bread? Of homemade donuts and still-warm pie? I will carry the taste on my tongue into whatever follows this life. So like. Stop telling me I should diet lmao. I’m not abt to martyr myself just to get a man to look at me.

Op genuinely thank you for this

“bread is inevitable” is our household motto now
