#fuck em up



Risk it all, Takemichi.









full offense but the arts are just as important as stem and anyone who disagrees can meet me in the pit

I agree 1000%.

BUT! I also think that, exactly because they are equally important, people should endeavour to have some knowledge of both.

None of this ‘I can’t do science, I’m an English major’ or ‘Music? I do Physics’ crap.

Totally agree. None of that “artists hate STEM” or vice versa nonsense.

Especially considering how much STEM and the arts go together. If you only do one and shun the other you are MISSING OUT, man. You’ll never get to see how beautifully everything fits together

I actually know more than one musician physics major. They are elevated to a higher state of being when it comes to an understanding of sound mechanics.

Schools not only need to emphasize both STEM and the arts equally, they also need to stop advertising them as separate, mutually exclusive things and forcing people to take sides on a dichotomy that doesn’t even exist

stem! and! the! arts! are! not! mutually! exclusive!!!!!

Look at the average salary for an arts major and a physics major. STEM graduates earn more because they are more in demand as they are more useful to society.

While I agree that arts and STEM are not mutually exclusive, STEM should be the career and arts a hobbie.

Arts are not as important as they do not contribute to society like STEM does.

this just in: the inherent worth of a field is 100% determined by how much society values the people in it. there are no flaws in this thinking whatsoever and it can be applied to everything. /s

also valid:
I can excel equally at things both art and stem, but since I find more joy in one field, I will dedicate myself to it. that does not undermine the commitments or skills of the people in fields I chose to pass over

I excell in math and science, and I memorize things easily so I learn things pretty quickly. I also enjoy doing math (to an extent) and I casually learn about science outside if school because I genuinely love science. When I was younger I wanted to be a paleontologist as well.

I am also a skilled musician and creative writer. I am not as good at visual arts, but those have also been a part of my life forever as well. I have been reading music for almost as long as I’ve been reading English. Making music has been my love for as long as I can remember, and my love for writing stories almost meets my love of music.

As much as I love science learning and discovery, it is no where near as much as I love creating and the arts. Music will always be first in my life. It has shaped my life in every way, and it may have saved it a couple times.

I was always told to pursue a career in what I am passionate about. I am passionate about music, to the point where I cannot even comprehend. And if I’m going to be spending the majority of my life in one career, I’m going to choose something that makes me happy.

I refuse to work in a field that doesn’t bring me joy.

No matter who might want to steer me towards something more “practical,” I refuse.

Oh, and don’t you dare tell me that the arts are less important to society than STEM is. Without the arts, you wouldn’t even have a culture.

The arts are part of everyday life. You need us. You just don’t want to admit it.
