#fuck insurance companies


My son tried to eat his cereal with his hand and I’m too tired to try and be patient about why.

I need to sleep more. Or better. The girl has not slept well in days, which means we haven’t either.

I took most of Saturday to play Pokemon Go. Checking my mood tracker, that was the happiest I’ve been in months. Just walking around by myself collecting imaginary monsters.

I guess that’s self care, courtesy of Wilder. Sometimes I feel like he’s the only one who understands how burned out I feel. Which makes me worry for him. He’s Dad and he’s working another job full time on top of that. For fucking Disney, the worst goddamn corporation.

Well. That’s a matter of opinion. I don’t want to leave out Amazon, ExxonMobil, Walmart, Aetna/Kaiser/Blue Cross/Shield etc.

It’s only Wednesday.

CW: Politics, insurance / money issues

You may have noticed how I recently had a burst of activity on this blog, after a year+ of hiatus. The Shrink is chronically ill with an invisible disability. I’ve been having a really bad flair-up of symptoms, and the medications I was on previously were no longer working for me. Recently, however, a new drug came out that treats my specific condition. I was given the opportunity to try it, and it is a godsend, and doesn’t even seem to have any side effects. The doctor increased my dosage to the max recommended amount, because we were going to see if I could be weaned off the other drugs I’m taking.

Y’all, at this level of the medication, I was finally functional again. I was going out for evening events, I joined an aerial gym (and actually ENJOYED exercising, what the actual fuck), I started updating the blog again… my life was finally back on track after almost two years of being stalled out.

And then my insurance company noticed just how much this drug was costing them, and now refuse to cover it entirely. You see, my condition is considered a rare disease. And this new miracle drug is considered an orphan drug – there are so few people that this medication will benefit that the company charges out the ass for it. If I were to pay out of pocket for this medication, it would cost me about $12,000 USD a month. That’s $144,000 USD a year.

I am not asking for donations. While I do have a significant amount of followers, unless I’ve got a billionaire secretly following me, I do not have any illusions about being able to get that kind of money on a regular basis from the kindness of strangers alone.

But there is one thing you can do for me, Shrinky-dinks. If you are in the US and able to vote, I am begging you to please consider voting for Bernie Sanders. With universal healthcare, I would actually be able to get the medications that make me functional.

Some states (including my own) have already had their primaries, but many states have not voted yet. Check this list to see if you can still vote in your state, and find all the info on what you need: https://wtfisgoingonews.tumblr.com/post/611649194542956544/if-you-want-bernie-to-get-the-nomination-over

Note - if you are currently 17, but will be 18 by the time of the presidential elections, you may still be eligible to vote in the primaries in certain states!

Thanks for listening, guys. I appreciate it. My life is literally depending on this.
