#fuck john walker



Sam is literally so good at this part of the job. Because this isn’t even a job to him—it’s trying to bring somebody back into the light. Walker sees it as so black and white, but to Sam it’s a lot more gray. Sam sees hope in people, while Walker sees hopelessness. This is why Sam was chosen to be Captain America. He’s kind, and he’s talking to Karli like a concerned friend. There aren’t any ulterior motives; only to get her to understand why her methods are hurting people. He’s great at de-escalating things, while Walker somehow makes every situation he’s in more aggressive, violent, and dangerous. It was Walker’s hostility that got Lemar killed, and it was Sam’s kindness that let him get close to Karli in this scene. Bravo, Anthony!!!


My favorite thing is that the only time sam and bucky AREN’T bullying each other is when they have a common enemy to bully and I just think that’s true friendship
