#fuck outta here



the new mv has me absolutely dead. what a fucking king

I went to the store the other day and some white women had the nerve to call the water fountain “not good anymore” because I drank out of it. Her 4 year old white kid now thinks something is wrong with all people that look like me. And I swear I heard her say “it’s dirty now”. And you best believe I made comments out loud, in front of her. Calling her a racist bitch

The internet and America expect me to feel sorry for victim complexed white people who get mildly insulted in comparison to shit like this excuse me




if you use those fucking “bi mods” for dorian/sera please do me a favor and block me preemptively

this goes for skin lightening mods for various ppl too

people are doing this debate on twitter again so reminder that i hate you if you do this and no it isn’t the same as bi mods for “straight” characters. shut up


reading the notes on this is just wow

a long-time victim of abuse, oppression and subjugation striking back at their oppressors on behalf of others like them is IN NO WAY terrorism. My god, what a fucking ice-cold take.

Anyone who disagrees, unfollow me. Right now. Lol.

Edit: Also the game does a piss poor job at making it obvious but Anders DID IN FACT try peaceful methods for years, YEARS, but no one wanted to listen. So he decided to respond in the only language the Chantry understands: violence.
