#fuck scomo



Before all of my non-Australian followers unfollow me today, please be reminded that the Australian Liberal Party is our group of crazy right wing nut jobs in power, not actual liberals.

Farewell party at Engadine Maccas everyone!!

It’s snowing in Australia but it isn’t frozen water it’s snowing- It’s ash from the 401 fires burning our country down.

Our Prime Ministers initial response to climate change? “I send my thoughts and prayers” and then he buggered off for a holiday in Hawaii. Two volunteer firefighters are among the many ash o have DIED from these fires now. A whole species (the koala) has been labelled as functionally extinct because of them, people are bow homeless, towns and states are B U R N I N G.

The closest fire to Melbourne City, Victoria, where I live, is covered in more and more smoke every hour, even though the closest fire is over AN HOUR out of the city.

We are literally burning.

Sorry for the unrelated post but this is how we are doing right now, this is what Australia is going through.
