#fucked up world

 You ain’t getting what you want unless you getting it for free.  You ain’t getting what you want unless you getting it for free.

You ain’t getting what you want unless you getting it for free.

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p-o-s-s-e-s-s-e-d-b-y-f-i-r-e: A nuclear power plant built in a beautiful wheat field near a chapel.p-o-s-s-e-s-s-e-d-b-y-f-i-r-e: A nuclear power plant built in a beautiful wheat field near a chapel.


A nuclear power plant built in a beautiful wheat field near a chapel. (Czech Republic) ☢️

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- While the media calls it the resistance of the Ukrainian people to the Russian invasion, on the other hand, the resistance of the Palestinian people to the Israeli occupation is called terrorism.
