#fucking perfection



this bit where Abed fucking destroys the autistic detective trope in like thirty seconds is one of my favourites, not gonna lie


Pedro Pascal as Ezra (Prospect 2018).


Blind Date

Summary: Wanda and Natasha are good roommates, for the most part. Always paid their half of the rent on time, sometimes even early, never ate your food without asking, made a good cup of coffee. Until they started meddling in your love life, setting you up on a blind date with their friend Steve on a rainy New York Sunday afternoon. 

Warnings: swearing, drinking, blind date anxiety, 


Youhated blind dates, you hated first dates in general, but blind dates were the worst. The idea of not knowing who you were meeting or what they looked like always set your anxiety on edge. Not that you were shallow, you were far from it. But you were you terrified of making an idiot of yourself by speaking to the wrong person. Which is something you would definitelydo. 

You also hated your roommates, they were the reason you were in this predicament. 

You had been happy keeping to yourself, going to work, coming home and repeat, you had weekends to do what you pleased with. Yes, at times it felt a little stale and lonely, but you liked your routine.

What didn’t you like? 

People disrupting that routine. 

Keep reading

Everything about this had me grinning like an absolute idiot and I’m not even mad about it
