

I am super super super sick of seeing “Pro-lesbian” pictures that sexualize lesbians.  
You know the posters I’m talking about. Two traditional media image hot girls making out topless and something along the lines of “How is this wrong?”
The message is supposed to look like it’s pro-lesbian, and therefore pro-gay. But in reality it’s a campaign angled towards straight men who fetishize lesbians. (You know, those guys that say “I can totally understand lesbians, chicks are hot. But two guys doin’ it, that’s just gross.) 

Why is that the campaign that we see so much of? Why couldn’t it be two actual lesbians enjoying life and being happy. Probably with the kids they’re raising together, and the same caption "How is this wrong?" 

Why don’t we have pictures like that. Lesbian moms and their kids smiling and representing a happy family. Gay dads and their kids enjoying a day together. 

Oh. Wait, I’ve got lots of those pictures, because that IS my family…

What’s immoral about a happy family like this?

How is this wrong?


These are my moms. This is my actual family.
Making the campaign so hypersexual denies that these are real, tangible humans with lives and families and goals, not just hot half naked chicks paid to kiss for a picture. It makes me so grumpy I die a little inside everytime I see one of those stupid posters. -H. 

PS: I don’t have any pictures of me and my dads online, they exist but somewhere in the nexus of phones and different people’s records. I’ll find them one day. But believe that they are totally adorable together.
