

“Dear Fugo,

 You must be tinkin thinking ‘what an aweful awful handwriting’, but I guess that way you’ll really know it’s mine.

 It’s been 3 days since we left off. I left in the spurt of the moment, so we never really said goodbeye.

 But I wouldn’t want to either.

 When this is all over, the first thing I’ll do is trek track you down with Airosmith. There’s no hiding, so be prepared!

 First thing, you’ll probably clup club me on the head. Guess I’d deserve that. Then, I’d laugh you in the face, cuz we were right and you were rong.

 Oh! don’t get me rong. I’m not blaming you for staying behind or anything. Bucciarati said we were all free to take our pick, so it’s fine.

 But well, I would have liked it if you had come along. I had hoped you would.

 And there’ve been a lot of momentz where I thought you might just pop up.

 We ran into this stand user that made me say everything oppusite. So at some point, I started ranting a bunch of facts that aren’t true. Like 2+2 is 5 and 3x3 is 8, sharks are plants and tomatoes are black. Stuff like that. And in all honestly, I had sorta thought it’d make you come dash over and floor me. That would have been great, really! If it were you, you’d probably figure it out right away.

 A lot happened really. A lot of sad things. At some point, we were being followed by someone and I shot him. He was a member of the eksequexequ execusion squad. I don’t regret it or anything, but it gave me a bad feeling.

 Now that we’ve betrayed the boss, doesn’t that mean they’re on our side? It made me worry, once I had time to think about it. If you had been there, what would you have said? Would you tell me I did good and protected everyone? Would you tell me I got too hasty? Would you tell me it couldn’t be helped?

 Guess I’ve gotten kinda insecure of the late.

 Thing is, uhm… right after that, Abbacchio was killed. He’s gone.

 I still get upset, when I take a pauce and thinking about it. It happened so fast, doesn’t really feel real yet.

 I bawled my eyes out like a baby. I’ve never felt this goddamn awful, Fugo.

 I wonder what you would’ve done, then. If I know you a little, you’d have probably destroyed the place, screeming mindlesly. You always act like you don’t really care, but I know you’re a passionate guy.

 Right now too, you must be reading this and feel like crying and screeming. When you do read it, I hope I’ll be there for you.

 There was a lot of crazy stuff too, like an actual fucking zomby stand! And this weird-ass mold that was hella sick! If you’d had been here, it would have been such a cool moment for you to use Purple Haze. Fight fire with fire, biting virus with biting virus!

 Really, it was all wild as hell, but we pulled trough. A lot of other stuff happened too, but I’ll tell you when I see you. Bucciarati’ll probably get mad at me if he found this note already. Falu Valuable information and such.

 But uh, I guess I want you to know all of these things, no matter what. Even if I don’t find you, this letter might, y'know?

 And I just wanted you to know I’ve been alright and that I miss you. I want you to be proud of me. And I want you to know that no mater what happens,

 I’ll always love you more than anything.

 Volare Via,


Giorno bit his lip as he looked at the drenched paper again. The blood had long dried up, so there was no way of saving it.

He had considered looking for a stand user who could somehow restore things. Might be a long shot, but it was worth trying.

But before he’d try that, he’d want the person it was meant for to see it first.

With his new amount of influence and Mista’s help to find his way within the organization, it took just a few days to find the man opposite of him in the run-down hotel room by the window frame.

A broken man who hasn’t slept or eaten in days. A man who looked like a starved dangerous animal.

With the slightest touch, he would probably lash out to everyone and everything, including himself.

Giorno swallowed. It mesmerized him how full of emotions one person could be.

He was like the personification of their long journey. Everything they had sacrificed.

Giorno felt guilty over initiating all of it.

But it was from here on out that things would slowly go for the better. And Giorno wanted to start here.

“I’m sorry….” He spoke softly. “They didn’t make it… Just me and Mista.”

Fugo didn’t reply. The red in his eyes was deep and intense as he stared at the younger teen from across the room.

“Narancia-” Giorno heard the other inhale sharply at the sound of that name, “….-was holding this. I couldn’t safe it, though.”

Giorno held the bloodied note out to the other. It showed signs of Giorno having tried to clean it. But if he had tried more then this, it would have only smudged the handwriting.

Fugo’s hand was shaking fervently as he took the note and read the only 4 lines that were saved. He held his breath as things were spinning in front of his eyes.

“–ays love you more than anything.

 Volare Via,


 ps: 16x55=880.”

Fugo fell to the ground, wailing in the most heart wrenching way the other had ever seen. It vividly remembered him how Narancia had cried out the same way.

They had been so alike…

It took Giorno aback and he felt tears prick in his eyes aswell.

He vowed to himself to make the impossible happen. If he had to, he’d MAKE a stand user that could recover this letter.

Giorno remembered running into this Japanese kid who was a stand user…. maybe there were more across the world.

But right now, there was one thing Giorno could do to relieve some of the heavy guilt his 'traitorous’ friend must be feeling:

“Pannacotta Fugo. I have a job I want you to handle.”

Perhaps Fugo had known it all along. The moment he had seen this boy rummage around in a garbage can, it had pulled all his heart-strings.
And it only went down hill after.
In the way how the boy exceptionally loved pizza and orange juice.
How he couldn’t sit still when hearing music. How he couldn’t sit still to start with.
His complete incapability to solve simple math problems.
His wide grin and boisterous laughter.
Narancia was the biggest dumbass he had ever met.
He wanted to punch him so bad. Every fiber in Fugo’s body was practically screaming when Narancia so much as moved.

He couldn’t keep his eyes off of him.

And that was what absolutely terrified Fugo. He knew himself, he knew that with one wrong comment, he’d absolutely butcher the other teen.
He had kept this feeling with him for months now, just like how he had wanted to take the urge of stabbing his parents to his grave.
But this was different from the feeling he had at that time. He couldn’t place it.
But it felt…. Good. Trusted. Comfortable. And oh so alarming.
And because he hadn’t told anyone about these feelings, not even Buccarati, he now found himself alone with said alarming person.

“boooooored…” Narancia moaned loud and obnoxious. It was raining outside and they were sitting house while Bucciarati, Abbachio and Mista were out on mafia business.
In all honesty, the rain wouldn’t have stopped Fugo from leaving post-haste, but Buccarati had asked him to keep an eye on Narancia, who was shot in the leg before.
By the sound of it, the other boy was doing just fine, though.
Fugo had retreated on the couch with a book. He lay slummed against the armrest, his long legs sprawled over the seat, giving off a big ‘don’t talk to me’ aura that he had recently learned from Abbachio.
But Narancia, being an absolute star in reading the mood, hated being ignored more then anything.
“Fugo, I’m bored! Let’s play a game or something?” he hung over the back of the couch, close to Fugo’s face.
Fugo clicked his tongue and moved his head aside to stay clear of staring at Narancia’s disarming face.
He pointed. “There’s cards, go play Sollitaire. It’ll teach you independence.”
Narancia grunted annoyed. “you’re in a bad mood, no fun.” And it looked like that was the end of the discussion, as Narancia backed away.
“c'mon, I’m sick of sitting around all day. Let’s go get pizza? It’s just some rain and my leg’s fine.” the boy moved around the couch and did something that made Fugo freeze over completely:
Narancia sat on top of Fugo’s hips, leaning over, trying to get his attention.
“what…..are you doing?” Fugo heard himself say without breath. The letters in the book were dancing in front of his eyes. His knuckles turned white.
This was bad….
“Own fault for hogging the couch~ I’ll only make myself heavier if you’re gonna be a wet sock.”
Fugo didn’t reply right away. He barely moved. All he could think about was…. the time this had happened before.
“Get off…” he spoke darkly. But Narancia didn’t get the message. “Feeling like doing something yet?” in the spirit of 'making himself heavy’, he hopped his hips up and crashed them down on Fugo’s.
It took every ounce of self-control for Fugo to keep his retort at only grabbing Narancia by the throat and giving a good squeeze.
“Get. Off. Now!” he was panting heavy. Gritting his teeth, his eyes unfocused, his hand was sweaty and shaking. Even Narancia noticed this was worse then Fugo’s usual fits of rage. He replied more docile: “o-okay, okay… geez…” and got off him slowly, to not make any sudden movements.
Both were silent for a good few minutes.
“Sorry….” Narancia muttered in the end.
Fugo swallowed, not looking at him. Still shaken, he got up. “Gotta shower…”
“huh? You showered this morning..”
Fugo ignored the other and paced over to the bathroom.

This was exactly the problem. If it had been anyone but Narancia, Fugo was sure it wouldn’t have triggered anything…. probably…
Then again, in their small company only Narancia would be enough of a clueless dumbass to sit on top of another guy.
Taking a shower, he made sure to clean himself vigorously, until he finally managed to stop panting. In the process, the mirror received a good 3 punches and was broken beyond use.
Fugo looked down at his hands.
'Disgusting….’ he thought to himself. His mind was in turmoil. Because even if he tried to push it away with all his rage: it had felt good. He had wanted Narancia to stay. No… even, get closer.
And a most disturbing thought haunted Fugo:
It’s happening again.

Fugo had never talked about what had happened in school to anyone, except for Bucciarati. He doubted if any of them would really understand it.
It had never been about him beating up the teacher. It was more complicated then that.
'Justified self-defense’ is what his parents had bribed the court into concluding.
And so there never really was any examination of the case.
Fugo hadn’t been able to find closure of his feelings. And so he made a conclusion many abused youths would pull:
'It was my own fault…’

He finished up in the bathroom after just a little under 2 hours. But when he returned, Narancia still had visible marks on his throat. He was sitting on the ground, against the couch and was hugging his knees. His eyes looked rather misty.
Fugo felt a flush of guilt and gulped. “I…..sorry, Narancia. I went too far.”
Narancia looked up with a jolt. Fugo would have preferred him to look angry, or even scared. But the look on Narancia’s face was filled with worry. He got up. “What are you apologizing for?? I’m the one who’s sorry! What the hell happened? Did I do something bad?? Did I mess up?”
Fugo felt his chest tighten and looked off. “it’s… nothing, never mind it. Just don’t do it again.”
“Don’t be like that! I won’t understand if you won’t tell me!” Narancia paced over, that worried look didn’t leave his face. It really troubled Fugo to see that face from up closer, only increasing his violent urges again.
He turned away. “Forget about it! I’m not mad at you, so don’t bother.”
“FUGO!!” Narancia clung his hands in the back of Fugo’s jacket. He sounded beyond worry: he was desperate. His voice was pitched and shallow. “Please…. don’t shut me out? Not you….. Slap me or punch me or choke me, that’s all fine. Just, don’t brush me off? Please? You always confront me, you look straight at me and you face me head on… that means a lot to me. I like that about you. A lot.
So don’t-…. don’t act like I didn’t hurt you when I did! I’d rather have you tell me to my face and give me a good punch to get it over with, then to hide it!”

It was happening. It was too late. Fugo’s mind would go pitch black.
If he’d come to, would he find Narancia’s bloody corpse beneath him?
But he felt strangely light. As if a weight had been lifted. As if he had crossed a line he had been so afraid of crossing. But now that it was crossed, there’s no more point in fearing it.
Fugo’s mind was clear. And he knew exactly what he was doing.
He stretched his hand out to Narancia, holding his face. And what he had been sure would have resulted in him beating the boy’s lights out was anything but that:
Fugo crushed his lips against Narancia’s.
It felt like the most natural thing he had ever done. It was vivid and mindblowing.
The boy’s lips were slightly rough and dry. There was a faint taste of the strawberry he had nicked from Mista some time ago. And it felt like they could bruise from the sudden impact.
It were the longest 2 seconds in Fugo’s life before his mind caught up with his body and he backed away, realizing what he had done.
Both stared at each other, perplexed. Fugo covered his mouth with the back of his hand in disbelieve.
And the most disturbing thought crept on him:
'Oh god. I forced myself on him.’

Fugo looked absolutely mortified. Narancia felt another large pang of worry, but… processing what had happened and how it had led to this, his face flushed and he laughed a bit.
“oh-… was that.. why you were uncomfortable, huh? Pft.. Okay, that makes sense~”
“I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to–”
“wow, wow! What are you apologizing about now? I’m not mad!”
But Fugo stepped back, lost in his own mind.
Thinking fast, Narancia grabbed hold of his arms and kissed him back. Faster and more clumsy, but sincere. “There! Now we’re even, right?”
It calmed Fugo down slightly and he looked back at the other, remorsefully and unsure of himself.
“It’s okay. Don’t worry.” Narancia tried to reassure him, but he had completely lost what could possible be going through Fugo’s head.
Narancia took a deep breath. He wasn’t exactly used to being the responsible one with the braincell.
“Let’s sit down? Okay?” he took Fugo’s hand and took him along to the couch. Fugo followed reluctant, absentmindedly staring at their linked hands.
As they sat, Fugo hesitated: “I…. I don’t want to shut you out…just, I…. don’t know where to start. It’s embarrassing and pathetic.”
Brushing off the immediate link of kissing him equals embarrassing and pathetic, Narancia shrugged. “Let’s face it. You and I both know I’m not the smartest. You’ve gotta help me out here.”
Fugo showed a rare slight smile. Then took a deep breath.
“There….. used to be a person I looked up to.” he spoke, but his voice sounded uncomfortable.
“He… well… did something similar…”
Narancia blinked a few times, trying to figure what the other meant. “What happened to him?”
“I killed him.” Fugo stated, surprisingly matter-of-factly.
“Okay, rewind that for a bit. How? Why?”
“You know how I get violent, right?”
“Yeah, but never without a reason!”
Fugo frowned for a moment. He wasn’t quite sure if he was worth of that trust. Narancia hadn’t worded it as being a 'good’ reason. That would have just sounded fake.
But…… Fugo refused to believe it. He knew himself. He knew what he did. And he knew what he’s capable of…
He sighed, trying to brush off how heavy the topic actually was to him.
“He came on to me.” He didn’t look Narancia in the eyes. “So, considering I just came on to you, I felt bad and apologized. The end.”
Against popular believe, Narancia wasn’t entirely stupid, though: “But you were already acting off before you did that.”
Fugo took a deep breath and closed his eyes. There was no way out of it now, huh?
Perhaps….. he should put Narancia to the test.
Despite himself, he felt a slight shimmer of fragile hope that maybe, just maybe, someone would understand. But he also braced himself for that hope to be disappointed. That was alright. Nothing would change.
“a teacher at my school… he invited me over and-” his words stocked, trying to find the right way to describe it enough to make Narancia understand, but not to make it more dramatic and have Narancia throw pity at him. “-and approached me.” Narancia’s face told him that wasn’t going to cut it. “….sexually.”
the other boy frowned, only producing a soft. “Oh….”
Fugo quickly continued. “After that, he came to me again, suggesting we’d do the same thing. And then I beat him to death.”
Fugo had rehearsed the reply people would give him in his mind over and over. 'it’s not your fault, it was self-defense, you’re the victim’. And maybe there had been a slight chance he would have believed that, if it hadn’t been the exact arguments the court had been bribed in…. and….
“But..then why-…” Narancia’s mind was racing, like there was something he couldn’t quite lay his finger on. Fugo waited, patiently. But Narancia’s conclusion startled him:
“Holding yourself back…” it dawned on Narancia.
“You were holding yourself back from killing him for all that time.”
Fugo’s shoulders sank.
Yes…. that’s what was eating away at him.
If it really was something he didn’t want, why did he let it happen? If he was going to kill him, why didn’t he do so right away?
He remembered the malicious whispers of his peers, saying he had been the one who was close to the teacher, he had been the one to seduce him, he had used the teacher to get good grades.
And he believed them….
“That’s right. I let it happen. I allowed him to do it, even though I could have stopped him.”
Narancia stared intensely at Fugo. There was no judgment on his face. No pity. No disbelieve.
Fugo had trouble reading that expression and so he continued: “And yet I mindlessly killed him. Just like I planned to mindlessly kill my parents, many times. You see? I don’t actually need a reason. It might actually be that the people I care about have the highest risk.”
Narancia grabbed a hold of Fugo’s both cheeks, moving his own head back for momentum and headbutted the other as hard as he could.
“YOU ABSOLUTE BRAIN FART! Isn’t it obvious???” Narancia raged, trying his hardest not to wince at his own dumb action.
“Auw, what was that about, you brat?!” Fugo took a hold of the back of Narancia’s hair, just about ready to repeat the same dumb action. But Narancia yelled in his face before he could. “It’s because you’re A NICE PERSON!! no one in their right mind can just kill another person so easily! You held yourself back, cuz you’re gentle! You’re a better person than that piece of shit deserved you to be! What’s wrong with that?!! You didn’t want to hurt anyone and he used that against you!!”
Tears started streaming down Narancia’s face. Angry. Frustrated. But also a sense of adoration for the other.
“Don’t be a dickhead, saying you don’t need a reason! You had it pent up more and more, over and over, until you couldn’t take it anymore! Even when they took a running leap across the line. Damnit all, if that guy wouldn’t be dead, I’d go out there and hunt him right now!”
Fugo stared at him for a while, losing the girp on the other’s hair. He sighed in slight defeat. Narancia’s thinking was so simpleminded.
But… he did feel better.
It might still take some time for himself to believe it… but it was comforting to know that someone else believed in him.

“But! But that was that and this is this!” Narancia continued.
“hm?” Fugo blinked, not quite following.
“You said you were coming on to me. And I made it even.”
Fugo looked off and nodded a bit.
“You also said you were sorry about it. You dun want to?”
“That’s not it! I just-”
Narancia grinned. “…so you want to~?”
“…..” Fugo’s stomach stirred from the coy look Narancia gave him. He was slowly starting to differentiate the urge of punching someone from this urge of kissing the other.
“Yeah…” he admitted and leaned in slowly.
“If you’re still bored, I know something.”
