

More fundy angst? Yes….

•do not repost without my permission!!!!

I’m sorry son….

Here you guys go! Fixed it up, also realized ghostbur has on his yellow sweater don’t know why it took me this long to remember but I like how it turned out! Please do not repost without my permission!

P.S I don’t know how to draw wings :/

Villain fundy anyone?

•Do not repost without my permission! Tried a more realistic art style for this one :) first time drawing him as an actual fox lol, really liked how it turned out! I did use a reference but I sadly lost it, when I do find it I’ll make sure to post it! Don’t worry angst will be coming soon!

Y’all seemed to like the last fundy angst so here! Also yes it’s supposed to look messy. I didn’t really try on this, I’m planning to make it better later on I just wanted to give you guys something for being dead for a bit :) a better one will be coming soon!

Don’t repost without my permission!

I’m watching it burn…..

•don’t repost without my permission! It’s a Sad-ist redraw so please go support them and check them out!
