

I’m still completely fawning over this latest commission I got from @fungusfangs featuring my AU version of Tenko. The shy boi is getting big on streaming his playthroughs but has lately started experimenting with kink streams that are proving way more lucrative than he ever imagined ;3


I cannot put into enough words how much I loooooooove this wonderful commission I got from @fungusfangs. It is absolutely incredible and just hits every one of my buttons <3

From seeing Hawks and Dabs both stuffed fat and burpy to the way Dabi pulls his pants down just to give that plump tummy some breathing room. And I didn’t even mention how unbelievably hot seeing characters burp-talk profanity was for me but fangs put that in anyway and made me love this piece even more than I already did >/////////<;

Thank you sooooooo so much for this lovely commission~



Nasty trash disaster Dabi commission for @dabisqueen~!!!!

Oh my god… This is amazing, it turned out so good. He’s so thick and curvy. I like it a lot. His muscles are a wonderful contrast to his thick thighs and soft belly and he’s making me swoon.

Dabs has such a perfect shape here <3<3<3

I love every single thing about this lovely commission that @fungusfangs made X3

From Dabi’s curvy body his soft poochy tummy his being mostly nude and being so gassy and trashy I cannot help but swoon every time I see this seriously he is dreamy and hopeless >//////<;


I commissioned a fic and now it’s all I can think about~~~ https://trashytummiez.tumblr.com/post/671838569426501632/a-drunken-skeptic

I always love whenever something I write inspires such amazing art and @fungusfangs knocks it out of the park with such an adorable piece featuring Dabs and a very drunk and very angry Skeptic. Beer does not make him more chill. It just makes him an even bigger bitch to the entire world X3

A Drunken Skeptic

This is a commission I did for one of my favorite people @fungusfangs that features Skeptic after getting drunk with Dabi. And the bitchy boi only nags him even further when it turns out alcohol and Skeptic tummy don’t mix. I had soooo much fun with this one and I hope you all enjoy it too <3

Warning:contains bloating burps drunkenness hiccups indigestion nausea tummyache tummy noises tummy rubs

“Dude I knew you were a wuss but I didn’t think you were thatmuch of a lightweight,” Dabi admitted with a soft hiccup that left him rubbing his chest. The way he staggered just slightly and that glossy look in his radiant blue eyes seemed to indicate that he was pretty drunk.

But Dabi’s intoxication was nothing compared to what his “drinking “”buddy””” was experiencing.

Unnnngh…hlc…I hate you so-hic-m-much…” moaned Skeptic as he laid against the frame of his bed in an uncharacteristically sloppy manner hiccuping a few times in a row. His lavish hair was spread over the mattress from the way he rested his head back against it. Those raven locks glistened with sheen from the high end shampoo and conditioners he used. And though his bangs covered his eyes, like always, his big mouth hung open with a drunken groan of misery, interrupted by another sharp hiccup that jerked his body and left him palming his flat chest.

“Is it my fault ya literally have the tolerance of a six year old?” Dabi said with a light chuckle. Even in his state he couldn’t help being deeply amused at the sight. “And believe me, I’ve beenthat drunk six year old.”

Skeptic hiccuped again and whined loudly. “Of course you-hilp-mph…have.Hic! Unf…I didn’t even want to drunk, you uncultured-wait…no…hic-oof…shit…” He winced and rubbed his chest some more with a look of discomfort until he burped lowly between his clenched teeth and huffed after, hiccuping sharply again and covering his mouth as he mumbled to himself. “…What was I…right, scratch that. I don’t drink because unlike you neanderthals I don’t need to be inebriated in order to have a good time…!”

“Yeah I’m sure your anime boy love pillow is…urf…thrilled,” Dabi joked but trailed off towards the end and looked mildly uncomfortable. “Oof…” he grunted then brought a fist to his mouth in time to give a thick closed mouth burp that Skeptic could hear reverberate inside of Dabi’s mouth which made him cringe. Dabi put his free hand on his belly and muffled another thick burp into his fist but still looked uncomfortable.

That was at least until Dabi dropped both hands onto his stomach and let out a large full-throated burp that rattled out of him raucously and forcefully. Even with his eyes concealed behind his glorious bangs Skeptic appeared both annoyed and disgusted. Dabi on the other hand moaned with relief.

Ohhh fuck I needed that…” Dabi groaned pleasantly and patted his belly.

“First of all, you’re a disgusting pig,” Skeptic spat out before ironically stifling a deep drunken burp of his own between his teeth. He huffed and held up a finger. “Secondly, the nerve of you to make a joke like that! You realize if I wanted to have sex with something attractive I could just make a puppet, right?” Each point Skeptic brought up, he raised another finger for emphasis with his middle finger being very conveniently raised in time for his third point. “Third, fuck you. Fourth, anime boy? Really? You’re in your early twenties and you still watch childish cartoons about pretty jailbait? And you have the audacity to call me a loser?? Fifth, fuck you again. And finally-”

Dabi was only half-paying attention to whatever Skeptic was saying. Though he did pay attention when the villain’s drunken nagging was interrupted by an incredibly noisy burbling sound that erupted from his tummy. Skeptic froze in place and felt his cheeks grow incredibly heated when his stomach started gurgling quite intensely and unpleasantly. The grumbling sound was almost as loud as Skeptic’s drunken whining.

Dabi looked down at the well-dressed even more well-groomed villain and went slightly wide-eyed. “Jeez booze really doesn’t agree with ya, huh.”

Skeptic wrapped his arm around his tummy protectively then hiccuped rather loudly. He covered his mouth and blushed a little as he mumbled something drunkenly then rolled a little to his side which was still pressed up against his bed frame. Dabi couldn’t quite make out what he was saying but he picked up on “your fault” and some other bit of slurred insult, no doubt about Dabi’s intelligence.

It was around this time that Dabi actually glanced down at Skeptic’s stomach and took note of something. Between Skeptic’s near-skeletal frame and the fact that his fine black turtleneck was so tight-fitting against his lanky body, there was a visible bloat protruding from Skeptic’s middle. Dabi was a little bloated too since he had consumed way more alcohol than the latter villain. But because he actually had some muscle and definition across his patchwork body, it wasn’t quite as visible as it was on the much skinnier tech-villain.

He looked down and saw Skeptic cringing with discomfort when his belly gave another unpleasantly thick groan. Skeptic hiccuped sharply then drunkenly grasped at his long jaw stifling another thick hiccup that made his torso jolt and left him groaning sickly. Each hiccup jerked his lanky torso so hard it made his chest and throat hurt from the sudden sharpness constantly erupting in his chest. And all that movement was murder on Skeptic’s tummy which was not made any less gurgly from the spasms constantly shaking all that miserable beer in his stomach around.

That is until Dabi settles down next to Skeptic and, to Skeptic’s mortal shock and dread, Dabi proceeded to slip his hand under his turtleneck to lift it up. “Wha-you staple-faced bitch! What in the name of total-fuckery do you think you’re-hic-d-doing…?!” He was so outraged and flustered at the same time he couldn’t help hiccup sharply in the middle of his sputtering tirade.

He squirmed and resisted but was simply far too drunk to successfully prevent Dabi from raising his shirt up and fully exposing Skeptic’s immensely pale bare tummy. Skeptic’s lanky frame was contrasted quite immensely by the way his stomach curved out from the beers he’d drunk up to that point.

Poor Skeptic looked as though he was on the verge of blowing a gasket with the all too familiar and casual way Dabi slipped his hands under his turtleneck and dared to put his hands on his belly. “Y-You…! You unbelievable…!” He couldn’t even finish his sentence he was so outraged! And also drunk…

“What’s unbelievable? That another human being’s actually touching you?” Dabi snarked in that dry and sarcastic way of his.

“Y-You’re not human! Hlck!You’resubhuman!Less than subhuman~!! Absolute trash!A-hic-oof! A shameless trash monster stapled together by-”

Dabi cut him off by gently running his oh-so-warm palm up Skeptic’s belly. His fingers gingerly sank into Skeptic’s flesh and kneaded into it. Skeptic was lanky and because he had virtually no muscle mass it meant that even when it was empty his stomach was very soft. When it was protruding with so much beer as it currently was, it was even very noticeably squishy. It wasn’t bulging out nearly enough to jiggle like a full-on beer belly. But the curvature combined with Skeptic’s muscle-less frame caused Dabi’s palm and fingers to sink into that smooth soft flesh.

Skeptic’s tummy actually felt oddly pleasant to the touch precisely because of how smooth and delicate his skin felt. Thus Dabi ran his hand up to the highest crest of Skeptic’s tummy kneading into the tensest portion of flesh. Then Dabi slid his hand down to Skeptic’s underbelly brushing his fingertips just around the waist of Skeptic’s pants and ghosting his thumb across the trail that led from Skeptic’s belly button down to his pelvis.

The sensation of Dabi so delicately rubbing his tummy froze Skeptic in place. He hated being touched by others. They were too grabby and mindless not to mention their hands were always so cold. Anytime he tried to make his puppets rub his tummy for example, it always ended up being a miserable experience for that very reason.

But Dabi was different. For as crude and careless as the young scarred villain was about anything and everything there was an uncharacteristic gentleness to his touch. He stroked Skeptic’s soft belly like he’d known him for years. It was such a strangely comforting feeling and not just for how sensual and relaxing it felt. Though the latter half didn’t hurt especially since, compared to his puppets, Dabi’s hands felt like a heating pad being rested against his delicate tummy.

So Skeptic didn’t swat Dabi’s hands away from him. Instead he seemed to settle with his back against the frame of his bed and allowed Dabi to keep massaging his grumbling tummy. Dabi grinned cheekily and teasingly kneaded the middle of Skeptic’s bloat an inch or two above his belly button. “Huh. Guess subhuman trash gives good belly rubs after all. Who’d ‘uh thunk it…”

Skeptic snorts through his nostrils and turns his head away. “Being good at one or two things doesn’t make your trashiness any less trashy,” Skeptic groggily slurred his reply out defensively. But it did nothing to mask the growing blush on his pale cheeks. If only his bangs were longer, that might have helped.

Dabi’s grin widened when he leaned closer to Skeptic. “Maybe you like subhuman trash more than ya realize…” Dabi teased quietly and oh-so delicately drew circles around Skeptic’s belly button.

The extra sensitive skin around his navel made Skeptic shudder without him even realizing he was doing it. When he caught himself he glared behind his bangs at Dabi. “I like trash as much as I like a kick in the head from a robot donkey. Don’t get that confused you Jigsaw looking motherfucker!”

“Ain’t he a Punisher villain? I thought cartoons'n comic books were childish,” Dabi said with a sly cat-like grin.

Skeptic sputtered indignantly realizing his own intoxication was leading things to slip out that should stay clamped behind his lips. He was once again working himself up enough to upset his tummy so badly that it gave another noisy, gaseous gurgle which Dabi could feel reverberating beneath his fingertips. It made Skeptic attempt to stifle a hiccup behind his closed mouth which made his chest jerk out and only caused another hiccup to follow suit. He tried to breath but a third hiccup erupted loudly out from his open mouth making him clamp his mouth shut in time for a fourth hiccup to jolt him and morph into a thick burp that rumbled wetly in his mouth.

Dabi smirked in amusement. “This is fun,” he teased. And as if to outrage the drunken hiccuping Skeptic even further Dabi rested his ear against Skeptic’s bubbling tummy. Dabi listened to the thick churning that was still erupting from inside the troubled organ. Skeptic blushed profusely. He hated how much he didn’t quite hate the way Dabi’s spiky hair felt prickling against his tummy like that. Or how Dabi’s face felt so warm like his hands.

Damn it all why did someone so insufferable have to be so oddly comforting…?

“Sounds like a lotta build up,” Dabi commented. “Y'know there’s a reason I was burpin’ so much a few minutes ago.”

“Yes. It’s because you’re a crass pig who knows less about table manners than he does about-HIC-gah…than…French literature,” Skeptic drunkenly scorned but struggled to wrap his head around a solid insulting punchline after a loud hiccup cut off his train of drunken thought.

“…Uh-huh,” Dabi said dryly as if he was agreeing completely. “But also 'cuz beer sits pretty heavy in my gut too. So when I get the air out it doesn’t feel as heavy an’ keep addin’ pressure to my esophagus or whatever.”

“Your-hlp-point?” Skeptic asked impatiently when a small but hard hiccup cut him off.

“This,” Dabi replied a moment before pushing down on Skeptic’s tummy.

A thick gurgle rose up from Skeptic’s stomach and up his throat. And before he could stop himself, a thick throaty burp rumbled heavily out from his mouth and lasted nearly three seconds. Skeptic immediately clamped his mouth shut and went bug-eyed behind his bangs while his cheeks practically fumed from embarrassment and outrage. He glared at Dabi like he was trying to melt the scarred villain with his eyes alone.

“…H-How…ffffuckingdareyou…?!?!” he sputtered in shock and anger.

“Good one dude,” Dabi said with a cheeky grin as he gently patted Skeptic’s tummy. Then he held up a finger. “Notice anything?”

Skeptic was twitching violently like he was contemplating what in his room he could use to strangle Dabi with.

After several seconds Dabi tapped Skeptic’s belly again. “Not so grumbly anymore, huh.”

Despite his outrage Skeptic paused for a moment and listened. It was true. His tummy was a lot less noisy than it had been all night. His chest also felt a lot lighter now that the pressure had been released. His angry expression softened when he realized what Dabi had just done for him essentially curing his hiccups with one embarrassingly strong eruption.

“…I still hate you,” Skeptic whined.

“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” Dabi grinned honestly then resumed gingerly stroking Skeptic’s tummy.

The villain seemed to settle down a lot more as Dabi rubbed away. He didn’t fight the urge to groan pleasantly at the way Dabi’s hand seemed to glide effortlessly across the entirety of his belly. Or the way the warmth that emitted from Dabi’s hand to Skeptic’s tummy seemed to radiate throughout his whole body making him feel even more relaxed. He especially didn’t hate the way Dabi occasionally fondled his navel while tending to the lower center of his soft stomach.

“Say what’s your name anyway?” Dabi blurted out randomly.

“…You’ve been here…how long now…?” Skeptic asked not nearly drunk enough to be any less dumbfounded by the question.

“Dude I barely listen to half the shit you nag out. I think you said it like once or twice around me?” Dabi asked with a shrug and drummed his fingers atop Skeptic’s tummy in thought. “Was it Septic? Nah it was…somethin’ stupid. Like uh…Sarcasm? No wait it was Sparticus! Nah it was…shit was it Septic? It was Septic right?”

“It’sTomoyasu, you brainless patchwork fuck,” Skeptic spat angrily…not realizing yet that he was so drunk he accidentally told Dabi his real name instead of his code name.

Dabi blinked drunkenly himself. “…Todo…yazu. Got it.”

Skeptic stared at Dabi in deadpanned silence. “…I hate you. I’ve mentioned that I hate you, haven’t I?”

“Once or twice,” Dabi answered then resumed massaging Skeptic’s tummy some more.

Skeptic settled more into Dabi’s touch and huffed in a relaxed stupor. The rubbing coaxed another pressure pocket up Skeptic’s throat which made a low burp leak out between his clenched teeth sounding more like a growl than a burp. He was too relaxed to even care at that point. And after a while Skeptic was fast asleep breathing heavily while Dabi continued massaging his tummy.

What happened next surprised Dabi a little though.

Perhaps subconsciously, because Skeptic was so intoxicated and because he was out like a light…he actually leaned into Dabi. The scarred villain’s eyes widened a little when the classier of the two villains rested against Dabi’s torso even leaning his head against Dabi’s athletic chest and seeming to rumble pleasantly. For all of Skeptic’s constant nagging about how much he despised the League and especially Dabi, he seemed not quite as averse to embracing the young patchwork villain when his guard was as down as it was.

Dabi didn’t fight it. For as prissy and bitchy as Skeptic was Dabi actually wrapped an arm around the man and tugged him close like he was embracing him with a single arm. Skeptic’s soft almost lush feeling hair felt pleasant against the portions of Dabi’s cheek which still had feeling left. He couldn’t help but sniff at Skeptic’s hair. Whatever product he used smelled incredible.

Even with the man out cold Dabi continued to use his other hand to gently stroke Skeptic’s belly in his drunken sleep. It caused Skeptic to smile as he slumbered which in turn made Dabi smirk a surprisingly gentle smirk as he continued comforting the drunken villain.

Though Dabi being who he was, his smile gentle or not, wasn’t for any good reason.

The villain looked around Skeptic’s bedroom and observed the cameras set up all around them. Then he chuckled softly and contently.

“…I’m totally stealin’ the footage of us together'n usin’ that to blackmail you later.”

Skeptic’s only reply was a small hiccup he gave in his sleep. It was downright adorable. And was going to make his inevitable blackmailing even more fun when he showed hi that clip.

Sufficed to say, Dabi hoped the two of them could go drinking together again soon…
