#fusion power



I was reading the “Green New Deal” and I have to say that solar, wind, and geothermal are not going to be the clean energy future for humanity. They will have some roles to play, but there is something much better.The future will be fusion, which is cleaner, safer, and more efficient than those three mentioned previous. It will not only be the best source of green energy, it will not only make the climate change debate a moot argument one way or the other, but it will be the source of energy which will transform mankind into a new social and technological era. I earnestly believe it’s going to happen in the next handful of decades at the very most and it’s going to be really awesome and I wish I could live longer to see more than just barely see the very beginnings of it.


No. Climate Change is happening now, fusion power is at best decades away, if ever. No one has ever demonstrated a viable form of fusion power generation. By wrapping fusion into the climate debate, it turns solutions into something that could happen in the future. Climate Change requires solutions now, not in fifty years.

Theoretical technology has no place in the Climate Change debate.
