#future gohan


I did a lot of Dragon Ball related art this year, got to know lots of interesting artists friends and joined various events. But the best thing was I got to start the fan-comic series I have always wanted to draw. Hope I’ll be able to continue it and do many more wonderful things next year too. ✨

The beginning of a Ruined timeline.

I can’t belive I forgot to post this, it’s one of my most favorite artwork at the beginning of this year and I just, forgot it

Of course I’d have sketches for the future timeline too

and fem Trunks, I love fem Trunks or should I say princess Trunks, idk blame TFS lol

ramenuzumaki: Source: 頼来 (twitter) All the credit goes to wonderful Artist ! Please do not remove


Source:頼来 (twitter)

All the credit goes to wonderful Artist ! Please do not remove the source.

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