#future in-laws


No, but seriously.  

Imagine Zuko and Suki, these delicate Spring and Summer children, practically sinking into their parkas’ to stay warm as they get to know the Southern Water Tribe for the first time, to celebrate the Winter’s Solstice with their significant others.  And they’re all sitting around an ice-fishing hole that evening, waiting patiently for tomorrow’s breakfast to get caught, the Southern Lights glowing above them…  Zuko huddling close to Katara, Suki holding gloves with Sokka, while Hakoda and Bato swap funny childhood stories and Gran Gran is giving a look like ‘kids these days have it so easy.’  Katara is giggling, Sokka is laughing, and Suki and Zuko are just… trying to stay warm in their parkas as they listen.  

Imagine Zuko and Suki exchanging this comical, silent, knowing look to each other that reads: how do people LIVE like this? 

But in a way, it feels nice to know there’s someone else who’s brave enough to tackle this subzero tundra and immerse themselves into their significant other’s culture– the things people do for love.  It feels good to have that solidarity, to know that someone is quietly rooting for them to stick it out for that kind of love and become a part of this wonderful SWT family.
