#future technologies



What will futuristic technology and the world be like in the next twenty years? Technology continues to grow at an accelerated pace, changing our world today. Twenty years ago, no one would have guessed that everyone would have smartphones with the Internet. Soon, technologies will advance to the point where it will radically change who we are and how we interact with the world. Curious? Let’s look at the unknown.


Here are future technologies closer than you think.

Obtain a medical diagnosis through your Smartphone:

Currently, if something is wrong with a person, go to the clinic and see a doctor about it. In the course of our life, however, there will be applications with the ability to diagnose and prescribe medicines for our ailments.

We will have a much better understanding of dark matter and our universe:

Although we know that dark matter exists, we still have not solved all its mysteries yet. However, some believe that we will better understand their secrets in the next ten years. The understanding of dark matter will radically change physics and help us better understand how our universe works.

There will be human colonies on the moon:

We have been to the moon and discovered that it is not so interesting. Why would we want to colonize it in the world? Many scientists believe that colonizing the moon will help us achieve the next step of colonizing Mars.NASA thinks it is possible to colonize the moon by 2020.

Some may use jetpacks as a method of travel:

For a long time, jetpacks were just a dream, trapped in moviesandscience fiction novels. However, last year they developed a working jetpack. As developed technology, it is likely to be a source of travel for future generations.
