



a pod of selkies

ID. painted flat wood sculptures, one side is a reclining gray spotted seal and one side is a naked woman. there are three photos of the set, showing both sides of them, and then a series of gifs of them being flipped over. each selkie has a different skin tone and hair color in human form, and a different coat pattern as a seal. End ID.


“Will you marry me, Miss Dearheart?” he shouted.

[…] Miss Dearheart blew a smoke ring.

“Not yet,” she said calmly. This got a mixture of cheers and boos.

my copy didn’t come with a dust jacket so I’m making my own cover instead x



Writing is great you go from great descriptions of people and places to ‘what’s the word? You know people stealing??? *10 hours later* KIDNAPPING!!! THE WORD’S KIDNAPPING!!!!

I was always taught to write ‘ELEPHANT’ when you were missing a word like this*, to keep up the flow of writing and just ignore it / dismiss it from memory. You’ll always forget words as a writer (or character names, or place names), and rather than rifle through a dictionary or a bunch of documents or your own mind, you just write ‘ELEPHANT’ and keep going.

Because here’s the thing, when it comes time to fixing up the chapter, you just search for ‘ELEPHANT’ and provided you aren’t actually writing about elephants, you’ll find every single instance and be much more clear-headed and able to find the words you’re looking for.

Plus it’s actually really cute to see a bunch of elephants in your chapter. e.e Just standing there, waiting for attention later, lol.

(But also yes the original sentiment it’s so true, like the most obvious words fucking vanishing all the time like what is writing).

*This technique will definitely be too frustrating/distracting for some people, for sure. YMMV. I just liked it.
