#gaara headcanons


It’s Gaara Week!
- just kidding, Gaara Week is in January - this is Gaara Weekly.
So I heard the topic this time is:

“what Gaara would do together with Shinki if he had some time off” 

now that’s just wholesome, how could I not at least *attempt to* provide some headcanons?


*side note: I have no idea how I ended up with this mess of a post but here you go*

So we know their hobbies:
Gaara likes “battling” according to the second databook and by the time the third came around, he added “cultivating cacti” to the mix. Shinki likes both “gardening” and “embroidery” according to character trivia from Boruto. Makes sense that they would bond over tending to plants right? In fact, most would probably assume that Shinki adopted this hobby from his father. And while I do believe they get some rare father-son time tending to Gaara’s cacti together - I don’t know if that’s what they would actually choose to do if they had a significant amount of free time.

If I was being realistic:

They would probably spend their days off training.

Yeah I hear you people in the back screaming “booo” - but this seems to be the most realistic scenario - to me at least.
So let me explain:

His people and village always seem to be the priority for Gaara and Shinki is the future of Suna, not only as the Kazekage’s heir but simply as part of the next generation who will take on leadership positions after the current decision-makers retire. There is not a single doubt in my mind that Gaara views mentoring future generations as one of his top priorities. Shinki wants to make his father proud and properly represent his family and village. He is hugely appreciative of any training time his busy father can spare for him - such an opportunity doesn’t come every day. Both of them have very no-nonsense, goal-oriented personalities.

- So if Gaara had a couple of hours to spend however he wanted, he would invest them in the future of his village: Shinki. If Shinki had the chance to get some in-depth one-on-one training with his father, he would jump at the opportunity.

We know that Gaara, unlike Naruto with his son, has at least somewhat regularly been training Shinki in person. He has mentioned how he taught his son ‘everything he knows’ and Shinki actually training directly with his (very busy) father just makes sense: The two of them are the only people we know of with their kekkei genkai - and Gaara is the only one with abilities almost identical to Shinki’s. It’s true that Gaara only knows the basics when it comes to iron sand - or rather, that was confirmed to be the case until at least the early blank period. But he would know next to every use of regular sand and that’s still more than any other jonin in suna. Of course, as the Kazekage, Gaara simply doesn’t have the time to do the majority of Shinki’s training - but I wouldn’t question that he’s the one giving the crucial advice, reviewing his training progress and telling his son what abilities need more work.  

So if he has a little bit of time to spare - I have no doubt he would (and does) put most of it into training Shinki. And that includes days off. 





But y'all didn’t come for that - don’t lie.

*enter Part 2: “But what if we talk about cats instead?”

We love these two (and the entire Sand-family for that matter) so naturally, we want to see them use their time off for anything BUT work or training. Gaara and Shinki are definitely the worst offenders here, they always seem like those people who would rather work on their duties than cut cake on their birthdays - Gaara more so because he seems very focused on always putting his own pleasure behind doing 'something useful to others’ and Shinki because he’s just beginning to realize the value of friendship. *Insert mlp meme here*

So for the sake of fun, we will just assume SOMETIMES Gaara decides that his son should do “normal activities” instead of training and ends up going somewhere with him.

But where?

If for some reason, Shinki were to accompany his father to another village for a diplomatic meeting, I think they would definitely walk around that village a bit and just take in the local culture: food, sights, and the like. Imagine the way Lee and Tenten showed Gaara and Kankuro around Konoha in episode 497 and had them try ramen for the first time - kind of like that. But this example also shows just how rarely Gaara seems to get time off during official visits: it took him being Kazekage for 4 years until he ate his first Ramen - but ok, if the war hadn’t been in the way I guess Naruto would have made him try it sooner.

Now, if we are talking about “regular” time off, the place would definitely need to be in Suna - Gaara is important for the protection of his village so he can’t just leave whenever he wants.

I’m also going to assume that Gaara can walk around relatively freely without being bothered by crowds - if simply for the fact that we have seen him do so before, at least in other villages.
Gaara strikes me as a character who could very much enjoy new experiences - there was once a time when most things “normal” people did were foreign to him and he had to go through a very steep learning curve after his first encounter with Naruto. I can see him trying new things when he gets the chance and also wanting to encourage Shinki to do the same - so long something falls not too far outside both of their comfort zones.


We established all the little details but no one has gone anywhere yet. So if we are going for something interesting:
> how about we bring cats into this?

Gaara and Shinki strike me as having a lot of, for the lack of a better word, “cat-people energy” - were they aware of this before this fateful day? Probably not. Were they aware of it afterward? - you bet!

  • Gaara felt a bit confused when he heard that Suna would be hosting a big pet show for the first time in a few years *he had to sign the paperwork after all* - what was that again? People bring their cats and dogs to show them to visitors and a jury?
  • “Must be another unique way humans manage to be vain about their property” - the concept of placing much importance in the things one owns and how they reflect on you was something Gaara understood as a concept but never fancied.
  • He didn’t understand very well why visitors would want to see such a spectacle until Kankuro said something along the lines of “sometimes people just want to see animals do cute stuff I guess? You know how girls and kids are - show them a dog rolling over and they will go crazy - don’t worry too much about it, I’m also not much of a fan.”
  • On a second thought: “Oh but maybe Shinki likes that stuff? I mean he’s a kid - ….. although he doesn’t behave like one most of the time.”
  • - and with that comment, the deal was settled: there would be father-son bonding time scheduled and they would go observe cute animals!!
  • Shinki wasn’t very thrilled but what can you do - he wanted to train but was too well behaved and respected his father too much to object any of his decisions - no matter how strange some of them sounded.
  • In the end, none of them had high expectations for this trip but they went anyway because
    “At worst we have made a valuable experience”
    - Gaara
  • *Shinki didn’t dare question what could be “valuable” about this*
  • As it turned out, the date they picked for their visit was designated for cats of all breeds –
  • Of course, both Gaara and Shinki had seen cats before - from afar. No one in their family owned any animals - if you didn’t factor in the deer raised on the property of the Nara-clan.
  • But they had also HEARD about cats before
  • ——— mostly because Shukaku never seemed to miss an opportunity to insult them:
    “cats are the most useless creatures, it goes to show how stupid humans are for domesticating them”
    -“and you are sure you aren’t just saying this because kids always seem to mistake you for one?” -Kankuro would add
  • *Needless to say: Kankuro still enjoyed provoking people he really shouldn’t.* ————-
  • Well now the two shinobi were in front of one - their first close encounter with a feline - a big sand-colored persian with her owner, a friendly-looking old lady, standing next to her.
  • “Well I suppose they are quite endearing with their big eyes” -Gaara noted
  • Old lady: “Oh dear would you like to come closer? She really enjoys being pet behind her ears - she’s even calm with most strangers”
  • Gaara was a bit hesitant
  • When you’ve only ever heard bad things about cats and their temper you might think twice about petting them when you get the chance
    - at least until you take the courage to hold out your hand and they start purring like you are their best friend and they will love you forever.
  • Now, if anything gets Gaara - it’s being shown unconditional love and acceptance in unexpected places
  • yes apparently this does not exclude kitties
  • *holding out his hand while the cat is purring and meowing*
    Gaara : O.O
    Shinki, next to him: O.O
    Both of them internally: “ohhhh so THAT’S what all the fuss is about”
  • - Instant non-verbal agreement that cats are awesome
  • After that encounter, both might or might not have been extremely tempted to adopt a cat.
  • But since Gaara knew no one in this family had much time to spend at home - *and because he had this lingering sense that the cat might develop a taste for his succulents* - he had to resist.
  • This however wouldn’t mean that their next “family day” wasn’t already planned to be a trip to the local animal shelter.

  • eventually, Shukaku finds out about their trips and is NOT amused that they considered bringing one of “those things” home.
  • Yes- he’s still fuming from that one time he was carried by Shinki in his more “compact” form and a toddler pointed at them saying “oh your cat is so chubby! can I pet it? Pleeeeese!!” (*needless to say both Shinki and Gaara were mortified back then and hurried to get Shukaku away from the little girl before any casualties were to occur*)
  • He continues to sulk for at least a full month about this “betrayal”.
  • I know many people write about him having children with his partner and I do believe Gaara would really enjoy a big family- if he found someone he wanted to be with, he would undoubtedly at least consider having children with them (if that is possible).
  • It doesn’t have to be incompatible with my headcanon so I will leave you with this:
  • for those who don’t know, infertility is often defined as not being able to  have a child within a year of trying - many struggle with being childless for life but you also have the occasional couple being parents out of nowhere.
  • I can definitely see this happening to Gaara if he finds someone he likes. Just imagine this man:
  • His whole life he was never interested in or understood romance. He didn’t think about having children. Then he found Shinki - then he found the love of his life. He can’t have children with them because …well that’s how it is? But at least they have Shinki and dote on him as much as possible.
  • But then she’s somehow pregnant?!? Gaara is so confused but also speechless, like - how does all this good stuff keep happening to him? How does he deserve such a happy life?!
  • 10/10 his family only consists of a string of miracles and the man deserves all of it
  • It’s a decent scenario for a fanfic even - with the option to turn into angst when people can’t believe it’s really Gaara’s child - but only until the little one is born and it’s like, mini-Gaara, and none of the haters dares to say a word anymore lol

So I just realized one of my headcanons fits here so I’m just throwing this onto Tumblr without context - have fun!
*full disclaimer, it’s still only a headcanon based on what little we know (or at least the canon I’m familiar with) - not fact. Still thought it might be interesting.*

So how did Gaara get away with adoption when bloodlines are everything in Naruto and Suna clearly already started bride-hunting for him as soon as his sister got engaged?

here’s the tea and some background:

  • The Kazekage-bloodline is very important in Suna to the point where it’s basically is a prerequisite for the title - at the very least the clans try everything to keep the current power balance - which is what lead to the plot of Gaara hidden with them trying desperately to find a girl for him: With Temari marrying to Konoha and the very real risk of the next generation of the family completely under the influence of another village, should her brothers die young, and Kankuro, being the supportive brother he is, saying he couldn’t possibly get married before the Kazekage - Gaara was the one who was supposed to deal with this “threat”.
  • The arranged marriage to Hakuto was an obvious scheme to damage his reputation by having her run away (aka “be kidnaped”) and it turned out to do its job despite Gaara and Kankuro outsmarting the responsible elder. After all, officially Gaara had to kill his fiance and they couldn’t exactly say that she was alive and happy in Konoha now. So a guy killing his wife-to-be as a traitor? Not a good look!
    Not to mention, he still had a bad reputation as being cruel and heartless with those who didn’t know him in person (even his fiance thought so before their meeting).
  • Gaara always had his crowd of fangirls after becoming Kazekage so just that incident alone wouldn’t have ruined his chances to find someone - but not only were almost all of them more into their illusion of him, than into Gaara himself, so in no way better than the crowd surrounding Sasuke back in the day.
    - Gaara is also Gaara: he can’t romance for sh-, he has no clue what women even are. Reading Jiraiya’s smut made him only more confused - how much can you expect from this boy?
  • so summing up:
    Reputation = ruthless leader who even executed his fiance
    Personality = outside: stone; inside: Hinata but waaay worse at expressing emotions and feelings
    Sexual orientation = stone *what’s that and why should I want that again?!?!* (aka at LEAST heavily leaning towards asexuality)
    Result: absolutely hopeless case - and Kankuro probably still refuses to get married

  • What next?

  • Maybe next they tried to get a surrogate mother or something like that. All with the thought that they can at least have a blood-related heir who might even inherit his kekkei genkai.

  • Here is my hot take: That’s when they found out Gaara literally can’t have kids. He’s infertile or at least his fertility is very low - complications like that can, in rare cases, happen when someone is born prematurely.

  • This man, if I tell you he was relieved beyond compare it would still be an understatement. Not that he hated children - he probably just couldn’t imagine himself as a father - but who’d want to be forced to have a child with a random stranger? Not Gaara!

  • So they couldn’t marry him off, there was no way he would find a girl himself and in the end he actually couldn’t have biological children. After all that drama, Gaara finally got off the hook *and Kankuro probably started to feel really guilty because all eyes were directed at him now*

    Enter: Shinki *aka: “this couldn’t have turned out any better”*

  • While all that was going on: Gaara deemed hopeless for carrying on the family, Kankuro trying his best to not be shoved into a random marriage- Gaara met Shinki. And the rest is history!

    But really, could this have turned out any better for him?

  • Gaara met a child that reminds him of himself in his youth, with issues that he is probably the most qualified to deal with. He knows what he would have needed in his childhood and is doing all he can to provide that for Shinki.

  • And not only that: the boy also just happens to be a distant relative of his, made obvious by him having the same kekkei genkai as Gaara (magnet release). It seems to be quite the rare trait considering how Gaara was the only sibling who inherited it from his father and how Shinki didn’t seem to have anyone around him who was able to understand/deal with his powers. (Which is often suggested as the reason for him possibly being abandoned by his family.)

  • So all in all, Gaara somehow just stumbled upon a child very similar to himself with problems he knew how to deal with and powers he could teach him how to use - it truly couldn’t have gone better.

  • There was probably little to no resistance from the elders regarding this adoption considering how perfectly everything fit into place!

  • There are headcanons out there for more details on their meeting but I’m not going into that here (and frankly I think I don’t have anything to add in that regard^^II).
