#gabriel is a bad parent


What’s with the frown?

Everyone notices Adrien looking depressed about his global trip. This makes it easier for Marinette to rouse the others to stop it from happening.

Lila points out that Gabriel is in control right now and can ground Adrien.

Nina is fed up about Gabriel and actually lashes out, asking how Lila became cool with Gabriel when he hates everyone else.

Lila lies that the photographer insisted she become a model and Adrien was supporting her career, not Gabriel.

On a roll now, Nino decides to finally report Gabriel to the child authorities, never mind Adrien’s reaction

Kagami and Wayhem and all Adrien fans join in by encouraging Adrien to stand up to his father.

Adrien tries to stop the mob forming outside his house, but Nino confronts him about his busy schedule when he would rather just hang out. “You even see school as a form of freedom!!! If that doesn’t raise red flags, I don’t know what does!”

Thanks to Risk’s influence, Adrien temporarily blurts out that he hates modelling and doesn’t want to go on a trip with Lila of all people.

Gabriel: Adrien!

Adrien covers his mouth in dismay.

One fan: This is forced child labour!

Another fan: call the police!

Adrien: no! Don’t do that!

Forced to keep up a front, Gabriel at last said “I thought you would enjoy a trip to see the world. And I never realized how taxing modelling can be. I apologize, Adrien. You and Lila can stay here!”

Catching Lila’s glare at him for ruining her career prospects, Adrien blurts out again, “And Lila isn’t my friend! I only agreed to work with her so she would make sure Marinette got back into school.”

Marinette: so that’s why she took back her charges.

Adrien: i got your back.

Mylène: what was that about Lila?

Under influence of Risk, Adrien exposed Lila himself.

Lila: he’s lying! He’s siding with Marinette!

Alya knows Ladybug is Marinette however and said, “Well, we could always just ask Ladybug herself. And Rose can call Prince Ali.”

Crocodile tears steamed down Lila’s face. “You don’t believe me!”

One fan, impatient from all this drama now, called out, “Just let them make the call so we can all go home already!”

Lila is exposed as a liar by the celebrities.

Gabriel terminates Lila’s contract.

Lila is tempted by Risk to expose Gabriel hiring her to spy on Adrien’s friends and distance them. This lands her in hot water but also paints Gabriel in bad light.

Gabriel: your best friend threw a wild party in my house without supervision! What am I supposed to think? You are literally in the akuma class!

Adrien: Lila was an akuma too!

Gabriel: she agreed to keep you safe from bad influences. And she never threw you an unauthorised party!

Inside his mansion, Gabriel exhales. “So much for taking risks. Ladybug hasn’t shown up and already the police are eyeing me with suspicion.”

It looks as though the earrings and ring are the only way out of this mess.

Nathalie: sir, given the circumstances, how can we trust our own judgment.


Gabriel had to admit he had not thought that far ahead.

And if he was compromised, instead of Ladybug finally being defeated, what if he is the one who is finally caught and arrested?!!!

He recalls Risk.

Lila is now a pariah at school and it only gets worse for her because at work, her mother finally blurts out her complaints against the heroes. Before her colleagues had just told her to keep her mouth shut but now thanks to Risk, she just ranted about the incompetence of the popular heroes.

The people at the embassy are shocked by her tactlessness and ignorance. Needless to say, Mrs Rossi is in for a rude wake up call, especially when she connects the dots that her daughter must have been playing truant.

Lila will not be graduating at the end of the year. She will be held back a grade. Her mother is also furious and blames her daughter for making a fool out of her.

Lila: like it’s my fault you don’t even watch the news!

Mrs Rossi stops giving Lila her allowance and forces her to get a job. Given Lila’s record, no one wants to hire her but Chloe decides to get her daddy to hire her as the new garbage girl. (Like how Linguine was the garbage boy in ratatouille.) Mrs Rossi also cuts off cable TV and wifi, and confiscates Lila’s phone. The laptop will have to remain for school but Lila will need to use the school wifi to actually do research.
