
So I got reaaaallly into making lineups and height charts today. And also finally more or less definSo I got reaaaallly into making lineups and height charts today. And also finally more or less definSo I got reaaaallly into making lineups and height charts today. And also finally more or less defin

So I got reaaaallly into making lineups and height charts today. And also finally more or less defined the ages and timelines for all the characters that matter for my… story? there is a story there, though idk if I’ll ever publish any of it lmao

Don’t look into the Hylian ages too much, they don’t follow any concrete logic, I just wanted to have a rough estimate. Zora aging is too annoying to think about frankly.

note: Bazz is so much taller than Rivan in calamity time b/c he’s in the middle of his (very early) growth spurt. Rivan was more of a late bloomer, but got to be Extra Tall in compensation lol.

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To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month.

To balance out all the Rito content, here are some of the Zora sketches I made over the past month. A lil lore because most of those are Very specific lol:

1 & 2: Zora are all about casual touch within their friends circles and it Link needs a… moment to get used to it.

3: A snippet from a storyboard I made up in my head once, Sidon, Bazz and Link protect the Domain against Lizalfos. 

4: Gaddison helps Laflat in the library (and is totally smitten lol)

5 & 6: Some random moments from Sidon’s adolescent years

7 & 8: Part of a short dumb comic where Link and Bazz spar in front of Bazz’s unit, It doesn’t go too well for Bazz (rip)

9: A random party where Bazz and Rivan amuse themselves with making Link tall for once.

10: Bazz receives troubling news; Rivan offers hugs in attempt to comfort him.

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a collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need rea collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need re

a collection of Bazz (+ friends) sketches from my twitter (which you should check out if you need regular doses of zora content in your life, i post quite a lot).

i have the NEED for content with my favourite fish man even if it means I have to make it all MYSELF

he’s a tired guy with too many responsibilities. Gaddison and Rivan have his back tho. they’re all broooos. and now that Link’s back he’s a bro as well. they drink together and are dicks to each other. friendship!

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I’m such a simp for the Zora npcs I just had to draw them all (the only ones missing are,,, Cleff, FI’m such a simp for the Zora npcs I just had to draw them all (the only ones missing are,,, Cleff, F

I’m such a simp for the Zora npcs I just had to draw them all (the only ones missing are,,, Cleff, Fronk, Tona and Marot i believe). I tried giving them distinct faces and body types while staying within the general in-game basic model. (I had to base the designs on those two lines of dialogue each one of them have, so there was a lot of headcanons involved lol)

Also i don’t like the idea of the fish tits, so my girls are all exactly as flat-chested as the guys. 

Some notes:

- Rivan is the most conventionally attractive dude, but Bazz is the most buff (being the captain and all). Tottika and Gruve are still in the young adult stage, that’s why they look like twiggy beanpoles lol. Ledo is like,,, the Standard Guy.

- Gaddison is the most jacked out of the girls (pretty much on Bazz level tbh). Torfeau is the twin sister of Tottika, so they look basically the same, aka Tall. Dunma takes after Rivan, all tall and attractive. Kodah’s the oldest one of all Zoras here, so she’s more,,, grounded, let’s say (same with Kayden). Mei’s just an airhead lol. Laflat would probably be considered the cutest, but she’s a nerd and doesn’t go out enough to be noticed. Tula is just,,, too much.

That was a fun exercise. I might do a similar thing for the Ritos in the future, the NPCs there need some variety too lol.

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Link catching up with his Brigade buds! I love my good fish, and since no one is making content for

Link catching up with his Brigade buds! I love my good fish, and since no one is making content for them, I’m gonna do it myself! hA


not everything revolves around you, Sidon

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