

So I introduced my mum to the idea of circular Galifreyan on some of the work she sells, as an alternative to text as she hates writing text on goods.

I looked at these guides/keys mainly:

and there is a program that help get some idea of shapes:

This is the very first stab at doing ‘winter’, way before looking at translations sites for ideas on how to structure each circle…


And I think you’ll agree it’s terrible.

Got my mother involved and sketched how roughly how we wanted the circles of 'winter is coming’ to fit together.


This really helped once we got the drawing tools out and I made the first proper draft. I’m not going to pretend it’s easy, took a few attempts to get everything looking it was in place.


We realised that words need to be designed to fit in to the space along with all the other words. Each letter in the circle does not need to be evenly spaced apart. For example, look at the 'r’ in winter, it is far larger than most of the other letters so things were evenly spaced out. The lines coming off are also not symmetrical in spacing: we put them where they looked best. This was mostly trial and error.

There’s also no 'c’ in Galifreyan, so we used a 'k’.

To get to this took an hour. 

From what I experienced, don’t be afraid to move dots and lines around to make it fit together nicely.

A few more cups of tea and we got to the final design:


And then that wasn’t final either. Once put inside a circle a few of the lines needed moving to make it look balanced.


This was transferred on to tracing paper and traced on to my bag. The bag is something my mum made and I love it. She was so worried about messing it up! I decided that I wanted the design on the inside of the lid.



Finished product:



I’m very happy with the results!!


Made some mistakes in the translation! Corrections below:
