#galra use of language



  • Either due to their natural tolerance or armor, Galra are able to recover quickly after being shocked for short periods of time. Sendak was able to grab Keith’s sword while electricity was coursing through his body. Haxus was shocked and able to stand up and fight. (S1:5)
  • Galra are hardy, able to survive attacks from Alteans and Shiro’s punch, but they are not impervious to injury. A punch to Throk’s side (S3:1) made him gasp in pain, Galra teeth can be knocked out and they can lose consciousness from being punched (S1:10). Nosebleeds can happen if they are hit in the face. (NYCC Poster #1 referencing S1:10)
  • It appears their bodies work very similar to humans and experience mundane functions. They sleep, yawn (S1:10) and get bored.
  • Galra blood is red. This is seen in Throk’s eyes(S4:3) and all over the face of the Corporal who gets smashed into the wall by Allura. (NYCC Poster #1)
  • The Galra have incredible reflexes and are able to dodge shots fired from guns. Some examples are Ulaz(2:3), Acxa(3:2), Krolia(S6:2). Yuppers (S2:10) are also able to dodge bullets. Evolving to evade such creatures on Planet Daibazaal could have been why the Galra are so long-limbed, tall, strong and agile.
  • Galra are strong enough to break metal. Kolivan elbowed a sentry, shattering it to pieces. (S3:1)

Life & Culture

  • Not all Empire soldiers thirst for violence. Some are very chill. (S1:10)
  • Nothing happens on a lot of ships and stations (S1:10)
  • Zarkon’s High Command is a big deal whenever they visit other posts. (S1:10)
  • Being remembered and mourned after death is important to their culture, enough that Lotor promised “being lost to the sands of history, unremembered and unmourned” as punishment for treachery. (S6:1)
  • While humans have pockets on their hips, Galra have pockets on their thighs. This is true of civilian clothing. (S6:1) This is probably due to accommodate their long arms.
  • Galra use the same time increments that Alteans do. Commander Bogh and Lieutenant Lahn use the terms ”dobash”  and “varga.” (S6:1)


  • Under Zarkon’s direction, Commander Prorok and then Commander Throk led the Emperor’s fleets to attack Voltron (S1:11, S2:5, S2:12)
  • When a fleet is defeated, the victor can take the other’s crew into their own. (S5:5)
  • Lotor mentions sand in reference to Galra culture. It may have existed on Daibazaal (S6:1)