

Of A Real Geiko

A retirement in the Karyukai is never a fun occasion. Specially when you get invested in their careers, discover new aspects of their lifestyle and culture through their progress and experience the richness of Japanese traditional art through their dedication.

So with this pandemic, we are hit on a personal level too when Geimaiko reitre. Sure, junior Maiko and those who cannot fall back on the best resources are the first to leave. And it’s sad but not unexpected.

And then Satsuki retires. To get married, a very joyous occasion to quit the profession of a Geisha, even though she leaves behind a one of a kind legacy. This gives us pause for thought. We know from this article that the pandemic left her affected as well. She observed the emptiness of the ochaya, the absence of dear and loyal patrons, the missed opportunities for her Imouto to hone their skill. She might have braved this crisis with her otherwordly charm, dedication and hard work. But many could not.

And i was not going to write about Nara Kikumame’s retirement. As i was kind of sad about it. Not because she was more special or more talented than others but because she was the last one. In Nara at least.

Stumbling across the pic of her in black and white, she was a junior still as evident by her painted bottom lip, made me halt for a second and appreciate her time as a Maiko in Nara. The post describes the second of catching a glimpse of a real Geiko in Nara and getting a chance to take this photo. While Kikumame dances, her gaze pierced the camera, one can feel the impact of meeting her through this intimate second.

Kikumame commemorated her leave with a piano performance of her favorite Chopin pieces on the day before her retirement October 31st 2021. Here her multifaceted talents get showcased and also the melancholy of leaving a dream of becoming a Geiko behind.

Strange that she chose not one of the skills she had acquired during her tenure as a Maiko in Nara, not the Nihonbuyo that requires immense physical and emotional dedication, not Kouta nor shamisen, all trademarks of the Karyukai. She chose the piano.

She is considering becoming a piano teacher after her retirement. So in the end, her parting gift in form of this concert is a hopeful look into her possible future. As a Maiko, she had to endure the sacrifice of modern amenities other girls her age are accustomed to in her country. She chose the path of disciplined learning and traditional values that are always in danger of fading away with time. Having also learned from such highly dedicated Geiko Kikuno of Nara must have left a mark that will benefit her in her own role as a teacher. So nothing was ever in vain for Kikumame.

In the black and white shot, her gaze is that of a true Geiko, we can all see it and we can all feel it. It’s a look into a future that will never come true, we will probably never see her as a Geiko of Nara. She came a long way nonetheless. And even though it doesn’t end at the mark she had set for herself at the start, it’s a lovely way to end a story. The story of Maiko in Nara is currently on a hold too. Kikumame, the Chrysanthemum bean, was the last of her kind.

How can i leave with a glimpse of hope?

As always it’s all up to Kikuno, the last one standing. Hopefully she will again find some brave flowers to cultivate in her garden. All the best to her.

And above all, only the best to little bean Kikumame. Hopefully she can keep doing what makes her happy.

Sources: Itchyfeetjapan on Instagram/Naramachihanaakarichanneru on Youtube
