

In vanilla there were these booklets you could get for your class quest, and some of them have interesting autors, titles and even tips! :3

Rogue(by Garrona):

- “Identify a victim, ruin him, then disappear.”

- “Use the correct technique, and you won’t even break a sweat." 

Druid(by Illidan (lolz)):


- "Never wake a sleeping Bear." 

- "Every soul has a wild aspect; you must find yours and embrace it.”

- "The trick is they shouldn’t see the hunter until it’s too late." 

- "A true marksman is not the one who never misses; it’s one who always kills.”

- “You can do more with a bow than just fire it." 

- "Focus your fire on the greatest threat. Eliminate it. Repeat.”

- “Any hunter worth his salt has matched wits with a dragon some time in his life." 

Paladin(by Uther):

Shaman(by Drek’Thar):


- "One cannot make magic if one’s mind is unmade.”


- “Diversity." 


"When they have no tools with which to fight, they will concede to your great might.”

“When helms are cracked, skulls aren’t far behind." 

"When one learns to stand, then others will surely fall.”

“Metal is tempered by the heart of the earth and swung with the fire of the soul.”


This book’s name is similar to The Anarchist Cookbook, a book written to protest the United States’ involvement in the Vietnam war.  -(Wowpedia).
