#garrett watts


“Episode 8 Garrett and Andrew” thanking “Episode 11 Garrett and Andrew’s” sponsors. I really do spend far too much of my time making these lol

Sweet Boys Episode 11: The most confusing thing that’s happened in the last 28 years (on multiple levels).

Garrett was D O N E with Andrew this episode.

Also, that 2.6 second pause between the 3rd “Pringles” and “go on…” killed me.

Washington Pop Tarts *EXPOSED*

Also, Garrett’s long documented history of loving Brown Sugar Cinnamon Pop Tarts *EXPOSED* (we’ll pretend that he initially replied to Andrew here, not Morgan)

Edit #2: Andrew tweeting about wild berry pop tarts *EXPOSED*

At this point I’m just going to keep adding more Sweet Boys Pop Tart related content to this post as I find it lol

Sorry to Stephanie Meyer, Robert Pattinson, and “Tyler” Lautner… but Gandrew is still a better love story than Twilight.

And I said what I said.

When I say I probably laughed way too hard and way too long at this…

I just was. not. ready. for that zoom in on Chloe.

Andrew: No way was I losing weight at that time. I was like working non-stop, eating awful…

Garrett: That was a dark time, yeah.

Me: Heart breaks into a million pieces

REBLOG if you’re loving Shane’s new video with Kathy Griffin!

REBLOG if you’re loving Shane’s new video with Kathy Griffin!

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